Now, days after a long conversation with the boy at the party, Hidana had been taken completely naked into the sea, on a cloudy day, where it seemed that a devastating rain would soon fall. The charged clouds could be seen moving slowly across the sky. After entering the sea with a man much older than himself, who had an immense body full of tattoos and a frown, a guard also entered the waters right behind with a lit cigarette, and then gave it to his landlord, Muratt , the head of the faction, after leaving the water. Many guards stayed at a distance watching the two talk in the sea, with water up to their waist. You couldn't hear their voice, just watch their lips move.

When Muratt's faction had an important conversation with someone unknown, the conditions for such a conversation were for the person to go naked into the sea, with Muratt's guards ready on the sand, out of the sea, to avoid any possible type of trap.

— Fival, my nephew, informed me that you want to join our faction — said the lord, raising his chin in an ironic and totally suspicious tone, tilting his head up and crossing his arms.

— It's true, sir — replied Hidana. — Me and my brother.

At that moment, Muratt turns his gaze disdainfully to one of his bodyguards in the sand. Returning his gaze to Hidana, he said:

— You have a lot of courage to come here. Well, know that you're risking your life. We don't like nosy people or rats in our faction.

Whenever he spoke, Muratt looked at all the parts of Hidana that his eyes could reach, at the same time that he exuded suspicion when he stroked his mustache in a pompous way.

— I understand perfectly, sir. I can assure you that you are certainly suspicious of me and my brother, and quite rightly so. But we have our reasons for wanting not to enter, but to work for you — replied Hidana.

— Hum... This attitude of yours is very doubtful. We do not accept people who come here and volunteer. In fact, it never happened. Our family is not a place where you come to work. We have maintained the tradition for many years where only members of our extended family can join our faction.

— Yes, I understand, sir.

— Tell me... Why do you want to join our faction? What motivated you to have this attitude?

Hidana tilted her head a little looking at the sea. A long pause went on in that conversation, which lacked a coherent answer. And then, after a visible moment of reflection, he replied:

— Honestly, I confess that I'm tired of being poor and miserable. I am part of a useless and unambitious faction. Despite seeing how you have prospered, I feel that life is too short to walk around with the weak and live eating crumbs. If I eat bran, I prefer to eat from the best table, from the richest house. Even if it costs my own life. At first I felt a little envious of your faction when I met you through Fival, your nephew. But at this point, the only thing I want is to be part of that prosperity. Feel the taste of having the best clothes, being in the best places and having money. I can be your servant. Your private security. I'll do anything you ask. The only thing that matters to me and my brother is to enjoy life in the best way of life. I hate the way this country was after the war. If I live in a place like this, I'd prefer being dead.

Meanwhile, on the sand, Muratt's guards were attentive and curious to know what was going on in that conversation. As Muratt had said, it was unusual for someone to ask to join his faction. Despite the role of securing Muratt on these occasions, all members of the Yug faction were blood members of the family. One of the guards had his hands on his hips, chin up and his tongue in his mouth. His face expressed mistrust mixed with mockery.

— If you are leaving the other faction to come to ours, what guarantees that you will not betray us in the future either? — Asked raising his eyebrows arrogantly — We see abandoning the family and the faction as a betrayal.

— I understand, sir. But it will not be necessary. The truth is that if I betray you, you will come after me and kill me. I'm not playing with your loyalty. I just want an opportunity.

Muratt looked at Hidana, shaking his head in negative, closing his eyes, as if communicating: "I will eat you alive ..."

— All I want is really an opportunity. Just it — replied looking into Muratt's eyes — That's all I want.

— Hmm...! I admire your courage to come to us. We will certainly go after you. But we will not just kill you. We'll go after your whole family too. Betrayal is unforgivable. We don't like rats, "he said, raising his eyebrows again. - We eliminate everyone who crosses our path.

— I acknowledge that at that time, you have everything a person could wish for, Mr. Muratt. Your enemies must be jealous of you. I respect you for that.

Muratt continued to stare at Hidana, his arms tightly crossed — Dou a minha vida por isso. Minha vida está em suas mãos.

This time, he bowed to the man he had spoken to.

— Right... — said Muratt, stroking his mustache — Let's see how you do — he said, already coming out of the water even before finishing the sentence.

And so, Hidana and her brother managed to enter the faction. As was the custom, leadership was passed on to men of greater leadership within the family, that was the generation of the Yug family, where Muratt was the leader. Hidana had to tattoo the body, as it was one of the family's many years of tradition. However, as they had just joined the faction, they did not have as many tattoos as the older members. That was something that was conquered over the years, where everything seemed to have the greatest honor, the one who possessed the body according to the number of tattoos.

Now, after eight months of doing the most basic jobs for the family, Hidana had Muratt's approval to work effectively in the faction. As a result, he, his brother and a few other caretakers were responsible for loading and unloading drugs into the depots. They went to the supplier, the violent Hanzos, to buy and bring shipments of various types of drugs.

After that time, six more months passed and Hidana did not pass a day without thinking about all the details of his plan elaborated since the beginning of his entry and that of his brother in that faction.

After all this time, Hidana decided that it was finally time to take a chance on what she had been planning for a long time. At that time, he and his brother were already highly regarded in the family. There was some confidence on the part of Muratt with some family members and business was working. Hidana planned to go to the family supplier and ask for a very large amount of the best-selling drug without the faction knowing it. On a surprise visit to Hanzos, the supplier asked for sixty times more than usual. Hidana counted on the help of some vehicles to carry the cargo and of some companions who knew only part of his whole plan with whom he had contacts, which had been created a secret group during that time when he worked for the Yug family. Everything orchestrated in detail so that it appeared to be a convincing request the moment they reached the supplier. Claiming that Muratt and his associates were the one asking and that he was going to pay them within six days. Hidana, her brother and his cronies planned to flee the same day.

However, the day before putting this plan into practice, Hidana was obliged, as usual, to help secure the family's return trip at night to a theater called: The Teatro das Mascaras. Theater where the presentations were exuberantly well done and all the actors wore different types of masks. On the outside, the theater appeared to be a palace. It was common for people passing by to admire him for such magnitude. The whole theater had a very beautiful and cordial architecture. Inside, it was like a coliseum facing the stage and everything was very well decorated and organized. Due to the high price of admission, it was a place where it was usually frequented by the social elite of that city.

Inside the theater, awakening from a distraction beside a pillar, Hidana stood out from the other security guards in the family. He followed all the people who came and sat down waiting for the presentation to begin. It was always good to keep an eye on any movement. When the seats were almost completely filled, the theater's lighting changed, dimming; and everything was in total silence.

Unexpectedly, a man appeared on the stage, wearing something that looked like a huge white sheet. The man had started talking for a few minutes, however his voice was inaudible to Hidana at the beginning of the show.

Minutes later, when he returned his attention to the stage, he came across two men fighting each other. Both were running with their swords drawn, a clear desire for violence in their eyes resided in their characters. Their swords clashed in midair, and sometimes the impact, however, hardly gave way to either side.

Despite the performance, the audience was impressed and sometimes an uproar started expressing admiration for the scenes that communicated to be so real that they did not seem to be staging. Hidana looking at the stage with some suspicion as time went by, something there started to suck his attention in an uncomfortable way feeling involuntarily forced to believe that.

Deciding to light another cigarette, while returning his thoughts to his plans, he started walking, at the back of the room, to smoke in a place where there were no more people.

However, while walking through the corridors, some posters of the show contained some messages which, when read quickly, brought ephemeral moments of reflection. Under the name of the play called 'The Girl and the Dragon', one of them said:

"In distress for the things he lacks.

Man is always giving more value to what is distant."

When passing by another, it seemed to complete the previous message:

"And dissatisfaction is an engine that moves man like a promise.

And what induces many people is the reward."

Near the others said and added:

"Seduction lives in distance.

There is no full satiety of desires.

The horizon will never leave its place on this endless road.

For the sought after man, for pleasure, is endless."

Although Hidana had never seen a play like that, the scenes had hit them hard, due to the structure of the entire venue. However, he felt strange and communicated by a kind of advice from the beyond. Somehow, the illustration reminded him of his plans all his life; and for an instant he felt that his life was in his hands. However, although the scene spoke to him deeply, he preferred to ignore the feelings that burned within him.

Two days later, Hidana carried out the intended plan. Instead of going to the drug faction, he ran away with his brother. The Hanzos did not know that so much merchandise had been taken in their names. After six days, on a sneaky night, the traffickers came to collect what was promised. The entire Hanzo family was dining in the grand hall of the mansion. Some were already surprised by Hidana's absence. When the traffickers arrived, all that fraternal atmosphere dissipated. The family had no money and no way to pay. The amount was so large that it would take more than a year and a half to pay. Unfortunately, guided by their cruel and impatient nature, the traffickers killed all members of the family. From women to the employees who worked in that house. With that, they looted everything and took all their assets to repay the damage they had.

With Hidana far away, he built his own newest faction. With few members, the idea was initially to be a discreet faction. With the profit from the stolen drugs, they managed to build a big business in a considerable time.

However, once in the past, before being arrested and when he had his other faction, a former member named Belter, he thought he was better than Hidana and asked this in the depths of his thoughts, because he was jealous of him. These thoughts entered his head and stayed for a long time. The latter commented to his boss about a plan he had that would be very profitable for the faction. With the idea that only the three would participate in the theft, there was previously a very elaborate and persuasive conversation and specifications. That, in fact, was a trap for Hidana and Khan. In summary, Belter strongly desired to take Hidana's place.

In the theft, Hollen's military police were called in by Belter. He fled and left them to be captured. In the trap, Hidana was arrested and his brother died at the hands of a policeman. What happened was when Khan asked Belter for help, which he denied, not extending his hand when Khan was about to fall out of a window. After falling into the street, scaring the officers down there, he still had the strength to try to escape, but ended up being killed. Returning to the faction, Belter told a story to his version of what had happened, saying that only he had managed to escape. Everyone believed that Hidana and her brother had died. Therefore, Belter became the leader of the faction. Hidana was arrested and his brother Khan died. Since then, Hidana had a clear objective in mind: to kill Belter, to retake his faction. But this time, Hidana was planning an audacious rise, never seen by any faction or authority in Hollen.