The Schneidjer academy, which was in Entral, had a strong rivalry with Franco Del'Mor. The first was less prosperous than the second, and the tradition of fighting outside the academy and strong competition in sports and sword art competitions had a lot of notoriety between the two. Hidana, knowing this when she was in the city, had the idea to sneak in contact with some students from the first school, Shneidjer, and maintained an agreement with the young people of the same school.

His idea was to finance the entire study, clothes, the best swords, better living conditions and a considerable salary for these students to enter the military areas of the country in order to secretly monitor the police and strategic points so that they had a better protection in your business. With the resources they would have, students would be better able to face the rival academy. The fights and clashes that occasionally occurred outside were prohibited by the direction of both academies, but the students did not seem to accept the veto of the principals and teachers.

With this, Hidana intended to form an environment of constant conflict, implanting through its funding, influence and charisma towards the personal causes of the students of Schneidjer, establishing, thus, the expansion of its Empire of Drugs.

It is said that once, around noon, the students of the Schneidjer school came in a large group around the corner that led to the rival school, where Esa studied. The rival school, when it realized the plot that had been set up, stones started flying over them. Esa, who was near the school entrance gate when she left a class with her books in her arms, when she got close to the gate, saw that one of her friends was fighting with an unknown person, both without swords.

All the students who were in the schoolyard, when they saw the fight, immediately ran to help him. However, several students from the other school appeared with swords running towards them. A student at Esa's school was grabbed by his clothes and was punched twice in the face. The latter, when caught, clung to what had attacked him and jumped with him from a small mud hill, both falling from that height and rolling to the bottom.

When students at the rival school saw a number of students from the school come running in the distance, some immediately tried to flee. A student, desperately turning back to flee, came face to face with a tree. The shock was so strong that he passed out at the impact of the crash and fell limp on the floor.

When Professor Dojo looked out the window, from the teachers' room, he saw the fight spread from the outside to the inside, in the schoolyard.

When the teacher got closer to the window, he saw students from his school catching up with students from the Schneidjer school in the race and both exchanging brutally punches and kicks. It was a horrible scene as far as it seemed to go. Only minutes later the fight ended when several professors from the Franco Del'Mor academy came to separate them. Schneidjer students ran away. That week, many students from both academies were injured and bruised.

After a few days, Hidana had appeared at the front of the Franco Del'Mor school, being checked by several students who admired him. Esa and her brother Asla, who were sweeping and collecting leaves near the front, stopped for a moment and stood watching the figure surrounded by girls.

Esa noticed that the guy had a body full of tattoos. However, in his attempt to ask the students to leave the front of the school, namely, the outside, which was not allowed, had been interrupted by his brother.

— Are you crazy? I could be dead now if I did that! — said Asla.

— Dead? Why dead? — asked Esa.

— This guy is coming from the city of Nomina. He's the biggest thug in the whole country. They say he is expanding his factions here. There are already whispers that it is only a matter of time before he dominates the northern part of Hollen.

Being saved from trouble, Esa and Asla stand behind a tree to stalk Hidana.

— Is this true? Do you know him? — asked Esa.

— More or less. He's called Hidana Fiuza.

— Hidana...

— It must be great to have a lot of girls at your feet. See how easy they sell to him — asked Asla.

— Honestly i don't think — replied Esa.

— Yeah, I... I wanted to be in that guy's shoes. He certainly has some sort of luck or something

After a strange and prolonged silence and watching a lot of students surrender to Hidana trying to approach him and giving him cuddles, Esa asks her brother.

— What does he have that I don't have?

—Power...? — replied your brother.

Esa looks at her brother for a moment after being answered.

— Power sometimes sounds unbeatable. It seems that when you get it, it's like... As if it were communicated in some plan that nothing can stop it — said Asla.

— It's curious, but honestly I'm interested in something else — said Esa at the same time they started walking together leaving that place with their brooms.

— I believe that this is the reason why many people seek it ceaselessly. As if nothing else mattered — said Asla.

— In fact... I'm not as interested in power as he — replied your brother.

When Esa finished speaking her words, she saw the girl whom she saw through her bedroom window passing in front of her. Their eyes met for a long time. However, she left.

Later, Esa and the mysterious girl constantly saw each other around the school, but they had never spoken. When they crossed paths in the course of the day, Esa always exchanged glances with the girl with black hair. One day, seeing the girl eating alone in the cafeteria at lunchtime, he decided to say hi to her. Something that was very costly to him, because he was shy.

— Hi — said Esa.

— Hi — replied the girl with black hair.

A strange awkward silence appears between them for a few seconds.

— Can I help you with anything? — asked the girl.

— Just saying hi.

Esa was strangely standing and nervous, not knowing what to do or what to say. Then after an awkward silence, he said the first thing that came to mind.

— I saw you on a rainy day, climbing a ladder from one of the buildings here complex with an umbrella. You were soaked.

— Ah yes...! There was a day that rained a lot! How do you know this?

— I saw you from my window. In fact, my bedroom window.

— Humm... Cool...

— Pleasure. My name is Esa.

— Nice to meet you, Esa. My name is Lillian.

— Can I sit here with you? I wanted to get to know you better. I think you're amazing.

— Sure... — said flattered by the compliment.

After a few minutes of conversation and the ice of shyness broken, Lillian asked him.

— How did you end up here at this school?

Esa told a little about her story and how she got there. Lillian, in turn, felt invited to tell a little about her story as well. And the days passed and Esa and Lillian talked more and more often.

Hidana, who was at the front of the school, was also interested in Lillian. However, she never said yes in her clearly direct advances, but on the other hand she never said no. In any case, Hidana was very insistent, but Lillian seemed to have more appreciation for Esa, in which she was not as rough, or as harsh, as she likes, as much as Hidana.

Hidana saw Esa constantly with Lillian. This infuriated him, as he thought she did not accept being his girlfriend or taking a step further because of Esa, a student at the school whom he did not know the name of. Just as he never saw his face, the only information he had about him was that he had long hair, tied in a ribbon, was rather thin and wore glasses.

As the weeks passed, an autumn dance would be held at the gym. Esa said it was the perfect opportunity to advance in the new friendship with the girl. Getting close to the prom date, Esa and Lillian had already established much more intimacy than before.

However, on the day that Esa decided to call Lillian to go to the autumn dance with him, she saw him talking to Hidana, in yet another of his attacks. Feeling a mixed feeling of jealousy with confusion and strangeness, Esa felt bad and thought it would no longer be worth calling to go with him to the ball. Lillian saw Esa watching her conversation with Hidana and leaving with a face of disappointment, going after him.

Esa told him that she intended to invite him to the autumn dance, but she thought she had regretted the idea.

He explained that she seemed to have constant company and that he did not like to sound like a busybody, he decided to leave the conversation. Lillian, however, said she would go with him when he was a little far away. That air stopped walking, he looked back. When he saw Lillian coming towards him, he waited for her to get closer to him until he finally heard.

— I'm not interested in Hidana — said Lillian.

And so Esa and Lillian further deepened the relationship between the two.

On the day of the ball, when a band was playing slow, romantic music for students to dance in pairs, Esa asked Lillian to dance. Among all the couples that danced slowly, amid the darkness, a light coincidentally illuminated only one couple: Esa and Lillian. It was then that Esa decided to give her first kiss of life, with Lillian, which by the way, was also her first kiss. Lillian did not turn away from Esa and returned the kiss.

Hidana, who watched from a distance, was furious. The moment he saw the scene, he whispered in the ear of one of his underlings and pointed to Esa. Minutes later while Esa danced with Lillian after the kiss, a person came and touched her on the shoulder.

— License. Esa, Professor Dojo is calling you. He needs you! Is it urgent!

Dojo was the brave teacher that Esa thought she was angry with the students and Esa ran immediately to find out what it was about with the young stranger. When they reached one of the school's corridors, he saw that it was deserted and began to wonder.

Upon entering the room indicated by the young man, he locked the door with Esa in the room. As he looked around he saw five men from Hidana's faction with swords in their straps. Hidana had set a trap against Esa for being jealous of her relationship with Lillian. At the behest of the criminal, he ordered Esa to be beaten up so that he would leave the girl he liked too. On the one hand, a drug dealer with so much money that he had nowhere to store with much power. On the other, a rickety young man with no money and no power.

— Hidana said without swords — said one of the group.

A fiery liquid had been sprayed on his face and then he was punched so hard that his glasses flew through the air. Hidana's henchmen gave him such a strong and violent beating that his face was all swollen, almost with a disfigured and unrecognizable countenance.

While screaming, after the beating, Esa was quickly dragged down one of the school corridors and locked in a locker.

— This is Hidana's message! Don't mess with his girl! — shouted some.

Hidana's henchmen ran out quickly before anyone saw them.

Esa beat and screamed desperately for someone to help him. A girl who happened to pass that corridor, just after Hidana's henchmen ran away, was about to enter the ladies' room. When she heard someone in a closet banging and screaming, she ran away with a start. A few seconds later, Esa started to cry intensely as she screamed, soon after giving up knocking on the door, so that someone could hear him due to the shortness of breath he had because he was trapped inside a closet, where there was no ventilation. And then, at last, he disagreed.

Waking up in the hospital

The eyes of a young man with a battered body opened slowly as he lay on a hospital bed at Franco Del'Mor Academy. The first image that comes out of her vision is that of a chambermaid in her room, moving in a closet.

The young man followed her closely wherever he went with his gaze. As he woke up, he stayed there. After the nurse locked the cupboard with a key, she left the room. It was then that young Esa, with his body full of wounds, realized that he was in a dark room, alone, where the only light he inhabited in the room was that of one coming from the corridor, just after the room. Therefore, the door to the bedroom was almost fully closed, allowing a breach of light to enter the room.

The left part of his face was completely disfigured and covered by a mask, in order to treat some bruises on his face. The doctors opened a space in the mask on the left side, the height of the view, for Esa to see. The other part of his face was incredibly unharmed, uncut and in a curious way, with no bandage or bandage. Even with his face turned forward, he noticed by his peripheral vision that someone came slowly and approached the bedroom door.

The student who looked with an eye to see the subject's presence approaching, saw his teacher, Dojo, approaching his bed. For a moment, his teacher stared at him, while the student slowly moved his eyes to his master. In his failed attempt to start uttering his probable wise and experienced words in his intention to comfort him to make him understand something, he immediately fell silent when he opened his mouth. From the tail of the eye, the student's gaze was penetrating and corresponded directly to the eyes of his teacher. While their eyes met, the teacher felt in his intuition that the student was hiding something. It was then and then that the teacher told him.

— A good way to meet a person... — said standing up putting his hands in his pants pocket — It is to observe her attitudes when she has power in hand.

However, motionless, the student continued to watch him.

— There are several forms of power in the world that are not just about money. There is power through the influence of friends, there is political power, the power of a beautiful body, of intelligence, of knowledge, of being the owner of some patrimony... It does not matter.

The teacher then moved to the other side of the bed while the student's eyes went from the band from left to right, accompanying him to look only.

— I wanted you to know something... Regardless of what happens from now on. In a pyramid, which is the object whose aesthetic function is to point to the top, there is a stone at the end that is isolated. This stone is the top stone. I know that man very well. He is the stone at the top of a pyramid. From an endless drug trafficking chain and network that is now in South Hollen.

The teacher then sits in an empty chair that was there. After sitting down, he continued to talk to his student who was lying in bed.

— There is only one stone at the top, while everything else is just support. Each row of stones serves the top row. Thus, the stone at the top of the pyramid serves no one, it is served. That man is very dangerous. Whatever you're thinking, I'd like to alert you. There is no point in trying to fight back. He's very dangerous. There are battles that are not worth fighting for.

After the words were finished, the teacher crossed his legs, intertwined his fingers and looked down with a look of disappointment, possibly because of what had happened, of such brutality that had happened to one of his students. For half a minute the teacher continued to look at the floor and remained silent, out of respect for the young man. However, when looking back at the student, the man was surprised to see that he was still being watched by the boy. Quiet and without answering him, while watching him with a penetrating look. There's certainly something going on here that I don't know — thought the teacher.


Franco Del'Mor School

4:38 am

After several days passed, Esa finally recovered significantly from the strong injuries that afflicted her. On one night of deep profound insomnia, the young man in his hospital room reflected on a decision he had decided within himself.

Sitting on a rug on the floor of his bedroom, he stared at the cloudless starry sky through the window. The way he was looking at the sky, he stayed until dawn., Not moving a muscle either, because even in the clear night he no longer had any sense or value.

After getting up, he prepared a bag with few clothes and some food, leaving the hospital room completely organized. In sequence, the young man remains immobile while looking at the whole tidy and clean room.

In the morning then, Esa gets ready, hangs her bag on her left arm and leaves. Walking calmly down the huge corridor on the porch at the front of the school at a time when it was completely deserted, a relaxing atmosphere could be felt early in the morning. With the decision to leave already made, nothing there was fitting for him too, the reason for continuing to study, somehow, had been lost. The food, the training, the place, for him was something like just not.

Upon reaching the main gate, Esa swayed for a moment. He even thought he was going to do the wrong thing.

— It's not because he's considered one of Hollen's biggest drug dealers, which means that he really is like an unbeatable force, like something from nature — thought.

Getting close to the fountain that was in front of the exit gate, he found his teacher Dojo, to his right, sitting leaning his head against the wall, with his chin up, looking seriously ahead thinking. Esa, on the other side of the courtyard facing the gate, stops and looks at her teacher. Surprised to have been caught in the act in his attempt to leave the gym, with his bag slung over his shoulder, which by the way, sounded very alarming about his departure that morning. Without blinking and questioning, said the professor.

— Come with me.

Soon after, the professor gets up and turns his back on him, starting to walk without confirmation that Esa would actually follow him. Although the young man may have chosen to simply leave, the teacher did not appear to fear that the young man would not follow him. Affirming in his thought that he was in trouble, he could already see an image of him on the board taking a beautiful correction by the director and his teacher.

However, she followed him nonetheless, moved by the curiosity and anger that she felt lodged in her chest. What else could go wrong now? I better follow him. So I'll probably have less trouble leaving — asked.

However, coming from his imagination, Esa showed and was even more afraid because he had a strong impression that Hidana was stronger than him.

Perhaps talking to the professor, who by the way is more experienced, at Hollen's best gym would be a good idea. Maybe he will not give me useful advice for what I intend to do? In the future I will have to face him anyway — thought. The young man's intention was no longer just to find him, it was to actually kill him. Even if it cost him his life and although he was aware that he was practically a first-time sailor starting at the sea of life.

When deciding the small clash and mental doubt, he walked towards his teacher and accompanied him to his private dormitory.

After the young man entered his teacher's room, they were both looking at a huge photograph fixed to a painting hanging on his wall. As is customary in many regions of Hollen and aesthetic standard, especially in schools, the houses usually had wooden floors and walls.

The teacher was on the right side of the photo while Esa was on the left. Breaking the silence, Esa heard from her teacher.

— Why are you so nervous?

Esa was overwhelmed to learn that her teacher could see nervousness in him in some way. Which was strange, as his teacher seemed to know what he intended to do. In addition, when he was about to finally leave the academy, his teacher was already waiting for him, where he was reluctant by surprise, thought that it was no use hiding anything from him. And then replied.

— This guy... Hidana... He's very strong. It has a lot of power. You can do almost anything. It puzzles me every time I think of him and I immediately feel totally imposing.

— During the beginning of my training at this school, even before I became a teacher, when I was very young, I learned something from my teacher at that time, something I never forgot.

Esa looks to him teacher.

— In combat, in war, in illusion, the deluded see only what is shown to him. That is why it is called an illusion.

Seeing that his student was expressing not having understood and that the young man had not received the message, he resumed the word and made a point of explaining it to him.

— Take this photo, for example. In a photo, you can only see what is shown to you. It was what the academy where I studied philosophically called tunnel vision.

The young man then directs his eyes more closely to the photograph.

— At the end of the tunnel view, when looking at a landscape through a cylindrical pipe, for example, the person will only see what is there at the end, what is being shown. When you see only what people want to show you, this is what is called a tunnel view.

As Esa moved closer to the photograph, her teacher continued to explain.

— And at the end of the day, perception from an angle is not the summary of a person's life. There is no way to do this. An entire cake cannot be reduced to just one slice. The life of a human being does not have to be summed up in a single perception.

— Right...

— Usually the backstage, the rotten, the defeats, the most intimate desires, the weaknesses, are hidden. Do not take this idea that he is stronger than you seriously. That is why the importance of preparing. That's why I'm as rough as I can be with my students. So that when the time comes to defend yourself or act, you can sustain the best of performances.

Esa finally felt that she had managed to capture the essence of the message that her teacher was trying to convey to her. After his teacher ended the speech, a silence took over that setting, inside the house, in the early morning, while it drizzled outside and the fireplace burned some wood logs heating the interior of the room.

— In another point... — the teacher left the front of the boards and said.

Esa, however, looked at him in surprise, for she thought that her teacher had finished the prayer.

— You don't have to go after this man who is taking care of your mind.

A kettle in the kitchen blew a hot breath due to its steam. After patting the student on the shoulders, the teacher walks over to the stove. The student looked back and saw him dressed in his robe until the floor made tea in two different cups and placed them on a square wooden tray.

— The human being is always oscillating. It is always in constancy. Even those considered great have their moments of weakness. Not only were they very sure that they will be in the future. And the first requirement to have a bad performance, is to be afraid of a bad performance. When you considered the possibility of failure, this is the door open to failure. Fear when it enters consciousness, it imposes itself. Nobody is afraid because they want to. And you are afraid. It's written on your forehead. This means that you are not sure if you will be able to reach the target you want — said giving him tea.

— Say what you want. I am decided — said Esa.

— How easy it is to want to touch what you've never touched. But how hard it is to rejoice in what you have.

— Well, I think I'm leaving — said Esa ending the conversation by placing her tea on a wooden table that was in the center of the room without even taking a drink.

— Esa, one last thing. Just remember our conversation. And that it will be easy for you to get frustrated when you get there and realize that it is as real as here.

— It's all right. I will remember — replied the student.

And so, Esa left everything behind at the gym to go after Hidana. A practically suicidal plan. Even more from someone apparently inexperienced in their own lives.


Party Lobby Train Station

6:37 am

Esa had gone to the same train station that she got off when she was a baby, being taken with her brother to her current school to catch a train that would take him to his much desired destination.

Esa had paid an expensive price to get valuable information. With one of his swords, he paid a dealer, who operated near the gym he had left, to inform him where Hidana currently resided. Alerted that he changed his whereabouts too often, the last time he was seen was two weeks ago, by the informant dealer, in the city of Monovidad. The informant gave him a paper which he had just written on which said: Rua Cornélio Bonifácio, 38.

Upon arriving in the city of Monovidad, after a long journey of twelve hours, Esa arrives in the city at night. His train had passed through the following cities: Lages, Nistam, Nomina, Damast, Neandra, Lirus, Reyza, Monte Carmesim, where Hidana served his sentence in an isolated penitentiary, Beyras and finally, Monovidad.

In this city, in the mornings, people usually huddled around newspapers at newsstands to read the news of the day. It was common to find in the deserted streets during the early hours that they were mild and cold and police are usually more active in the streets of Monovidad. The springs used to have beautiful mornings and in this season the roads, the narrow and narrow alleys of tile streets where the trade was located, were covered and branched on their plates and walls naturally by the leaves and flowers of different types of trees. Judging by the roofs on certain streets, all the houses looked the same.

The city sent good memories to its residents. The vague and good memories of childhood, many residents, today were very far away in their cloudy memories. As never before, the city had changed a lot and declined significantly with the postwar territorial rupture and the general decline of that society, which was once a symbol of pride for local residents.

However, when faced with the specific neighborhood where Esa was in, the young man was faced with a different scenario from what he had heard a few times. Although the young man had never been there before, it was noticeable that people for some reason were discouraged and that something not very pleasant was hovering over that place. Without news, the days were unproductive for civilians and ordinary people.

With the high unemployment rate and the exponential increase in food and products, people were constantly stressed. Without money and in the exhaustion of life's endless demands, many relationships had been broken.

As fuel to compensate for dissatisfactions, the escape valves were diverse: Drink, entertainment, apathy, cigarettes, games, prostitution and sexual immorality in that place were exuberant as an exuberant atmosphere.

The harlots walked in packs. At dusk, little by little, many of them went out to occupy the sidewalks and streets. There was graffiti all over the place. A broken hydrant on the main street spouted high water for days on a pile of old newspapers, flooding the intersection of two streets with a huge puddle.

It was a generation addicted to pleasure. In the ardor and magnetism of filling a gap, whatever it was that mattered was the satisfaction of desire. However, all that was left in the end was to move on to the next wish with a meaningless hole in the heart. A generation with no apparent purpose.

However, as time went by, everything changed. The number of bars increased, many were opened and these moved people who always moved the streets. The so-called group activities.

On a corner, under a marquee, young people smoked cigarettes and talked in a loud, brown conversation. Dirty men slept next to the marquee, in cardboard ceilings and battered covers atop dirty papers and greased floors. Some say that those who were under marquees informed the suspicious presence of some military police around the place.

However, it was strange that the inhabitants did not seem to bother so much. Perhaps already accommodated with the situation, people walked back and forth as if they no longer intimidated them. After all, what could be done?

Esa was lost. I couldn't find Hidana's address correctly. On the paper it said: "Rua Cornélio Bonifácio, 38!".

But when he thought he had arrived at the correct address, he came across two establishments. One had the number 35 and the other right next to it had a sign with the number 272. Across the street it had the number 988. So it was noticeably confused, many people passed by it as they increasingly regretted it. grain about the attitude he had taken.

A beautiful young woman, dressed in few clothes, of which they were very short, with several bracelets on her left wrist and covered by an enormous coat, was one of those easy-going people. She was at the window of an apartment looking out onto the street, watching people pass by. With the movement of his weak clientele, he thought of hooking a possible client. When he saw a lost young man who appeared to be going home, he realized that he was constantly looking at a piece of paper and then at houses and establishments.

Esa, who happened to be in the middle of the noise at the end of the day, heard a laugh coming from a high place above him.

— You're funny — said the young woman who watched him.

— Do you know where Rua Cornélio Bonifácio, 38 is located? — asked Esa.

— Yes, it's close here. I'm going there.

— Can you help me? I'm lost.

— Yes, I know where it is. I will help you there.

The young woman came out of her window.

Esa took a poem she had written for Lillian from her right pocket and started reading it while waiting for her help to arrive. Then the young woman who was at the window with a friend who intervened at her request came down. Sneaking up behind him, without making a sound, the young woman saw him reading a paper. Esa did not see her arriving in silence and smiling, like someone who wanted to play a trick on her. However, she made a sign of silence with her finger over her mouth to her friend beside her. Arriving behind him, he came across his poem.

— Wow! — she said — cool what you wrote.

Esa turns around and looks at the young woman with a neutral face.

— So, come on? — asked Esa.

— Sure — replied the first, that of the window.

— It will take us to the address you want — said your friend laughing.

When everyone started walking, they soon ignored their friend, leaving her behind. She came down from where she was sitting, on a bench and joined them quickly. The first girl resumed saying — We're going to take a quick route, because I have an appointment — said in a tone of irony.

— That's ok — replied Esa.

As soon as they left, the second girl kept looking at them suspiciously. The first girl touched Esa's shoulders, beaming as she spoke.

A round manhole cover was in the middle of a street, it was illuminated by a strong light in shades of red and pink. As he went up to a nearby sidewalk, Esa and the girls who were guiding him were walking.

Thinking about what Esa read earlier, asked him pointing to the poem that was in his left hand:

— Cool poem. It's yours?

— Yeah — picked up the poem and looked at it.

— I saw what you wrote, I thought it was beautiful... Did you like her that much?

— Yes... — said looking to her.

— So it's for a girl?

— Well, I believe so.

— Ah... — smiled without grace looking to the side.

— Why is such a person so important to you? — asked the first young.

Her friend turns her face and her hair follows her movement, while she absently chews gum with her mouth open.

Now, Esa had not heard his question, as he was focused on his thoughts towards Hidana. However, the girl looked at him and stared at him distractedly looking at the city. Sensitized in her thoughts, she had a secret desire to experience what it felt like to feel loved and desired, even despite her life as a harlot, in which she said:

— Well, I'll tell you my opinion about Monovidad... The city... Since you're looking at it so much reflecting, okay?

This time Esa heard him. Looking at it replied very succinctly:

— Ok.

— Ok... — replied her in a low tone, barely noticeable with a beautiful voice.

The young woman kept the look in his eyes for an ephemeral moment, generating a millisecond flirt. Followed by a delay in speaking, she turned to face him with her eyes closed and opened them seconds later, asking him:

— What makes us different from animals?

— Well, this question is a little strange... But I believe that what makes us different from them is the fact that we are rational while they are not. — said looking to the floor.

The three who wandered the city at night entered a wide ramp, which was next to a store where the sign with a red light that looked a lot like neon lighting a manhole, in which it said: There are no vacancies. This ramp had garbage cans and some tubes that gave off a gentle smoke that went down to a deserted alley.

— Culture, education... Rationality... The knowledge that makes us civilized... Have you ever stopped to think about it?

For a moment while they were talking, Esa saw her looking at him with half her face being illuminated by the red light. Leaving the other part covered by a dense darkness.

Esa had answered nothing. However, he kept thinking about what she said.

— But on the one hand, we also have an animal impulse. So, what really differentiates us from animals? — said the young woman resuming the conversation.

— Well... I honestly don't know how to answer — replied with a dull laugh.

— Animals have no morals. They live only by instinct. They eat, sleep, mate... They follow instinct to death.

Esa had not answered him again. He continued to think about the harlot's words as he looked at the floor.

— If a person does not want to work, for example, and lives exclusively for the satiety of the instinct's desires: Eat, sleep, mate... He is putting himself in the position of an animal. After all, we are rational and they are not. If the person only does this, he is demeaning to animals, okay?

Esa was continuously quiet thinking, he looked at the young woman for what for now, he was mesmerized by her lips when he noticed them.

— But what if in spite of this a person lived in such a way, that the only thing that matters to him is only pleasure? She would be putting herself in an even lower position. Which is bestial behavior.

— Right — said Esa swallowing and moving her gaze to the front.

— What's worse. Animals do not live twenty-four hours a day thinking, doing, consuming sex, drugs and food, for example... Bestial behavior does. So this city became.

Leaving a deserted alley where they passed, they were now entering a tunnel also with little movement, dark and lit by many candles on their walls with a high ceiling, you could see them coming in the distance, through the arch where the tunnel started. Their voices echoed throughout the tunnel as they talked among themselves.

— Pleasure invites you to stay just for a moment. But when you realize days, months and years have passed — said his friend laughing a little maliciously, widening her eyes at him.

The first girl looked at her and laughed as if she had heard something funny.

— Yes... The person who seeks only pleasure will have difficulties when the moment of pain arrives. And when he arrives, that's where many give themselves — said the first girl right after lighting a cigarette in her own mouth.

— They no longer believe that there is a higher value than their own pleasure. Anesthetize reality with these things, I don't know — said his mate.

Leaving the tunnel, they left on a track, where they crossed a completely busy and wet street, with neon-like lights in several houses in green and red that shone brightly when they hit the puddles that were on the ground. The walls and walls of every street were flooded with graffiti filled with every color and shape imaginable.

— And you...? Esa... — asked the first girl.

— Yeah? And me...? — replied the young.

— Does your heart have an owner?

— Well... I honestly don't know.

— Well, I'll tell you a secret. I hope it stays just between us.

— Sure.

— It takes time for people to fall in love. But there is no way to avoid it. One time or another, any of these days, for a person, for an idea, an ideal...

— Well, I think it makes a little bit of sense in the things you've been talking about.

— Every road will inevitably take you somewhere, even if it is not where you want to go, something will fill your heart. There is no escape.

— Why do you say that? — asked curious.

— Well, when I was a child, I knew a story that I never forgot, because I always face some problem or indecision in my life, my memory always refers to it.

— And what exactly is the story about? — asked Esa.

In the story it is said that a long time ago, in which there was a tribe that came out of captivity by a very powerful king. He released them, you know, deliberately. And the curious thing is that he didn't need anything. He had everything. And throughout history, this tribe has crossed a long desert on its journey. One day, they finally arrived at Oasis. Well, in history they did it. They entered Oasis. It was a perfect society, you know? — said and then lights another cigarette — Nothing was missing in that place.

At this moment the three were on a totally deserted street, with several rows of light fixtures, passing under the track that a train that had made its way over the street from time to time. Someone's voice could be heard screaming in the distance from that deserted street.

— But, however, after they were finally satisfied, the people forgot the king's deeds and his past — concluded.

A silent pause appeared in the atmosphere of the conversation as if the conversation was over. So she said — And do you know what happened?

— What happened? — asked the young.

— His focus of love became someone else. They forgot the king who had set them free.

They entered a narrow alley with a cover of withered and withered leaves and flowers. Many people were drinking in this place, where by the way, a lot of liquor was sold there too.

— In the end, every heart can love how to change focus, but it will never be empty. Something will be filling it.

— The one who provides them with wonderful moments, who knows? — said her friend looking hopefully at the sky.

Esa and the girl in the window look at the other girl at the same time.

— Sometimes, for a person to remain in love, he has to suffer previously. When her turn finally comes, she does not give up what is at hand — completed your friend.

As they left the alley, after a short curved descent on cobblestone floors, they came to a street. Then the girl took over and stopped him from walking, placing his hands on the sides of his shoulders looking into his eyes and shrewdly happy.

— So it's not a very good idea to give up something you really love because of your shortcomings — said with a quick wink.

Esa opened him mouth slowly and gently.

Thinking continuously, the young man remained silent. After a few seconds of silence, still looking at Esa, the girl from the window said:— Mas você parece estar n��o só procurando por uma menina. Há algo a mais aí.

— Well, I care about people. I'm going after a guy named Hidana. Do you know him?

— It seems to be dangerous — said the second girl.

— Are you a kind of hero? — asked the first girl wondering about Esa's question.

— What is a hero? — asked Esa.

— Caution! — said the first girl and then took a drag on her cigarette.

— Caution! — said Esa repeating what she said.

— Heroism is about fighting and accepting pain — completed the first girl.

The girl by the window came up beside him, pressed her face to his and pointed saying:

— Look, this is where you want it. Hidana currently lives in that village and yes, he is very dangerous and violent.

Esa's vision changed from blurry to unclear to the place she was pointing to, as she had been looking at her finger.

The girls moved away from him and then the first said:

— Qualquer caminho que você escolher será difícil, Esa — said namby-pamby and with a smile on his face — Just choose which one is worth — said laughing.

— Ah thank you! What is your name? — asked Esa.

Her colleague hugged her by the shoulder and took her strength.

— Come again someday! — he shouted from a distance, laughing.

They both came out laughing together.

Esa watched them go. After they were out of sight, he looked up at the skies to watch the clouds at night. The sky, however, was clear. A full moon was imposingly seen behind a statue on top of a hill. The moon seemed to be closer to the planet that night. Although she reached her destination, Esa no longer knew how to get home.


Parallel to the recurring events, once done in the prison where Valmor, Hidana's subordinate, something somewhat atypical occurs in that place. By chance, the police discovered a tunnel that emerged from the inside and made a path to the outside of the penitentiary. When discovered, the police estimated that the tunnel was used to escape at least eighty prisoners, due to its thickness, the passage appeared to be used for a mass escape.

What reality did seem to be and was the work of working together. Within the collusion, each prisoner was obliged to dig all day at least once a week, and thus took turns with each other. Ironically, the prisoners had an agreement with each other on how the work schedule was done, the breaks and the entire structure so that the work to excavate the tunnel was never interrupted. Among these men, he was counted on Valmor Flaminco, one of the gang leaders hired by Hidana's faction who did some "dirty work" in exchange for large amounts of money, often due to his high risk, saving Hidana, Laura and company .

One day, one afternoon, three prisoners were caught and caught in the act by the prison staff while they were working on the tunnel excavation. One was Valmor.

The police, impressed with the structure of the excavation and the way the tunnel had been made, took the three of them to be questioned in order to obtain more information, including on possible excavations in other parts of the penitentiary. In the interrogations, none of them had relevant information about the possibility of other tunnels being dug and did not inform the others involved. However, one of them seemed to know more than he appeared.

— Let's just get them stuck. They don't need to interrogate anymore. They claim to know nothing relevant. They will not hand over the whereabouts of the gangs and the faction — said a sergeant responsible for the interrogations.

Valmor, in abstinence crisis and with a paranoia formed in his mind with the idea of spending years in prison, asked to speak to the authorities once again about possible relevant information about the dug tunnel.

— Sergeant.

— Yes?

— One of the inmates is asking about ten minutes to testify. Said who had information that could interest the police.

— Better not. Leave it there for a while longer — said the sergeant.

— Bring him here now! — said a lieutenant, his superior.

— What? — said the sergeant in a puzzled manner.

— I prefer to know what he has to say now — replied the major.

After Valmor was caught, the same saidra who had secret information and that would make the police catch Hidana once and for all. However, Valmor would only pass on the information if it had the guarantee that it would pass to the semi-open regime. Police interest was sparked by the proposal, however, she also feared about the veracity of the information. As between bargain and doubt, Valmor had been taken to an interrogation room anyway. In the room there were a lot of policemen in a totally disproportionate number of the conventional, because the police wanted to arrest Hidana for a while, but they were always one step behind the criminal and could hardly elaborate a concrete evidence against him, because he used several subaltern people and groups. to perform all kinds of services for his Drug Empire, where it placed him further and further from the concrete evidence in order to condemn him, which included the reports of his subordinates when caught. Interestingly, all police officers had a genuine interest in the case that could ultimately arrest Hollen's most wanted criminal at that time.

After Valmor entered the room, he sat, handcuffed, on the chair that had been set for him. The detainee wore a worn coat and his hair was messy. Despite his self-destructive personality, he did not appear to be a criminal.

— I'll be straightforward. I want you to make sure that I go on probation or something. The only thing I don't want is to be in a cell full of prisoners and outcasts. I want some assurance that they will help me.

Surprised by the assertiveness, the police looked at each other.

— Okay, you can talk. What is your name? - asked the sergeant.

— Valmor.

— What is your age?

— 28.

— So... Tell us. What do you know about Hidana Fiuza? — said the lieutenant in a tone of impatience.

— I did not hear rumors, but I know of a great robbery that Hidana plans in time with his main faction. It has nothing to do with the expansion to create another point of sale. It is much more audacious. Hidana has a deep personal anger against the state and the government of Hollen, but in addition to taking the points and creating his own cartel, he already planned this long before doing a super robbery against Muratt's family, long ago. The idea is that your name is above all the other bad guys in Hollen's story.

"Tell us more about it," said the lieutenant.

— What I do know is that this Hidana drug empire is not going to stop. It is virtually impossible to stop him. It will only grow more and more and there is nothing that you or the country's security can do. Nothing for him.

— How do I know if you're telling the truth? — asked the sergeant.

— Ah, yes... Well, honestly this is your problem, not mine. I'm not the one who works for the Hollen military police. I promise to tell you everything and every detail of the plan if you promise to let me go. I know very well that if they find out that I am lying, I can get countless years in prison for all the crimes that I committed more than lying. And they certainly won't take it easy on me in jail. I know many stories of my companions who were arrested here in Hollen.

— Then tell us soon that theft will be the one that will help us catch Hidana — said the sergeant.

— The theft will be applied to a Hollen merchant ship. All that gold they carry to the Central Bank will be looted by Hidana and with all the strength he can get. Usually a blonde woman is always next to him, or at least close, so if you see her, a woman with huge blond hair and a coat identical to the one Hidana wears, know that he is exactly there. She doesn't leave his side. I just don't know her name.

After starting to hear the start of the complaint, Valmor changes his posture by leaning his back on the chair he sat on, relaxing his body back while crossing his arms and remained staring at the police with a look of boredom and disappointment at being caught, while telling all the details of the plan in relation to attacking the aforementioned ship.


Esa still wore glasses and had long hair on this occasion. Walking through the streets to get to know the city better, he decided to wander around the place before going after Hidana, following the guidance that the unknown and mysterious girl had given him about the criminal's whereabouts. Thinking about his revenge all the time, hanging around the city, he felt safer to choose to get to know her better first, than to go directly to the attempt to find Hidana and sneakly kill him.

After walking and getting acquainted with the city, he returned to where he had said goodbye to the girl he had met, and from there he followed the path that she had indicated. When he arrived at the pointed street, he noticed an unpaved road with rows of lamps with large houses very similar, next to each other.

Walking very carefully, with his purse and sword, he repaired each house. One by one. Every detail of the houses, as well as the roofs and window sizes, were seen by you as a possible object or escape route, as you intended to take it quietly and leave without anyone noticing your presence.

It was then that when he approached a huge house on that street, he noticed the presence of a group of guys smoking and playing cards among themselves on a table on a balcony while there were other people in parts of the house, standing, as if they were protecting something, like if they were guards.

Esa goes for a walk instantly and hides behind a tree, watching what went on in that suspicious house. After a few minutes of stalking the house behind the tree, nothing interesting had happened, except for the loud arguments between the guys who played cards and when one of the supposed guards, when leaving his almost motionless position, when moving, did nothing but to take a wallet of cigarettes out of your pocket, light one and continue in the same position. After hours, Esa was already starting to feel confused and hungry. For a moment he doubted it was a good idea to drop everything and go after Hidana to kill him and have his revenge.

Esa waited there and nothing had happened. At the end of the afternoon, when it was already getting dark, the young man took his backpack and started to prepare a snack, still hidden behind the tree, as it had already been a long time and he still did not know if Hidana really was in that huge house. Each movement down the street, passing people, the young man tried harder to hide and not be seen. The street lamps began to softly turn on their lights, one by one, illuminating the entire street. And so that late afternoon passed.

At dusk, Esa, hours after finishing her snack, was still peeking behind the tree at the house where she thought Hidana was. When suddenly, the men who were playing cards, started to argue with each other again, this time, intoxicated, and finally, two men began to fight with their swords among themselves. One with a quick cut with the blade of his sword cut a finger from the hand of the other with which he argued. Suddenly a silence takes over the scene. And then the man with the cut finger starts to scream in pain and cry for having his finger cut. Then the men quickly, including the one who made the cut, hurriedly took the man with the mutilated finger into the house, with one of the supposed guards slamming the door as soon as they entered the big house with the man.

A silence permeates that night as soon as the men have entered. The sound of crickets and owls chirping in the distance were the only things Esa heard on that dark night while he was still stalking the house. As more hours passed, still no movement of people entering that house had occurred. This time Esa's eyes were drowsy and her head was falling asleep, but she was soon recovering her posture. However, tired of waiting so long, he fell with his sword and purse, falling asleep behind the tree. And so the first day passed.

At dawn, Esa opens her eyes with an impending fright as soon as she wakes up, quickly getting up to see if she had been caught by an unknown person or had been robbed. However, his bag and his sword were in the same place. He immediately looked inside his bag to see if any supplies, clothing, money or utensils had been stolen. To his surprise, everything was there just as he had left it. Relieved, breathing a little breathlessly, he leaned over the tree trunk where he was hiding, and looked at the big house to see if there was anything new going on there. Only the supposed guards had been changed. They were different men. But they were making a rounds around the house with their swords.

Esa looks at her purse and looks at it for about five seconds. Then he kneels and puts his hand inside it and takes out an apple. Returning to his stalk, he takes a bite of the apple and continues to watch the house to see if there is any sign of Hidana, the criminal. Chewing, in the position he was in, when the twilight at the end of the second day had arrived, it was the same position he was in when he was watching the house in the morning. But now, chewing on bread.

Esa takes another bite of bread, just chews and suddenly stops chewing. Still looking at the big house, he was as quiet as possible to try to hear something, in which he thought he had heard some noise. Failing to capture any kind of sound, he chews again quickly while still peeking. Suddenly, an abundant rain comes sweeping everything away from the city beyond its borders. The young man, when he perceives and feels the rain fall, grumbles for a moment and takes a large towel from his bag, covering himself, his bag and his sword. Continuing there waiting for Hidana. When sleep came to him, the rain was much calmer. And so the second day of waiting for Hidana passed.

Upon waking up the next morning, after waking up, Esa checks her bag for something to eat. To his surprise, his supplies were gone. It was many days on the way from your school to the present moment on that journey. Already more dirty and a few days without bathing, Esa dug a small hole, hid his sword and his bag. And he went to the city, going through the trash of some restaurant or tent. Or even, if luck allowed, some charitable soul could grant him a plate of food. Searching the city's garbage, he found a tangerine, an almost old banana and a box with a slightly suspicious colored pasta, but in large quantities. He gathered the food and went back to the tree. When he returned, he ate his meals, hungry, that morning, but he still had not removed his purse and his sword from the hiding place where they were buried. He continued to stalk the house where Hidana was supposed to be. That day, that street was much busier. However, the house he was watching was still the same way, in almost complete stillness.

The day came, the afternoon passed and no other news. Esa then decides to climb the tree to see if she found anything from another angle. However, nothing. And so the third day passed.

I thought of leaving. However, on the fourth day, before noon, Esa saw Laura, Hidana's right arm pass through the streets, her long blond hair and coat, which was formerly Khan's, stood out. It was huge. Laura was walking down the street with three men following her. The young woman enters the house which she was watching, with the supposed guard granting her leave. This piqued Esa's curiosity. However, on this day I had not yet seen Hidana. But what he had just seen, urged him to continue to stalk the house. So the fourth day passed.

On the fifth day, amid so many comings and goings, when turning over the city garbage so many times and getting scolded by a lot of restaurant and establishment owners for turning over their garbage cans, Esa continues to stalk the house, still in the same tree. Upon returning to his vantage point, while walking through the streets, he saw a huge number of birds migrating, covering the skies. This scene made him smile for a few moments and brought him joy. However, on this fifth day, no Hidana. Esa stayed there and fell asleep under the tree. And so the fifth day passed.

On the sixth day, upon waking up to a bird's song after a drizzle the night before, a ray of sunlight touches his face, causing him to wake up. Esa wakes up and stands up, her face wrinkled with sleep and visibly thin, sits on the lawn on the floor where she was standing for a moment, and then gets up. As soon as she got up, looking at the big house, Esa saw Hidana, the blonde woman she had seen the other day and some men walking near the house and then entering it. Your pupils have dilated and an invigorating energy appears for some time in your body. He quickly dug and dug up his bag and his sword, then went to the city.

As she walked around the city, Esa looked for something to eat, once again rummaging through the trash cans. This time, when he found little food left over, he decided to ask the tents in the city center if there would be any food left over for him to eat.

It was then when a lady, seeing him, called him. She had a pension and said she had seen him digging through the trash cans on other days. Asked him if he wanted to work for her by cleaning the house, the rooms and helping with the heavy duty in exchange for food and housing. Esa accepted the invitation, however, she thought about leaving soon, because she had still fulfilled her objective for which she was there.

As he entered his new room, he had an idea. Esa thought about changing the appearance, so that it would make it difficult to identify. For when he had been beaten by Hidana's henchmen, they had seen him with his glasses and his long hair. Esa decides to keep her glasses in one of the drawers of a desk in the bedroom. As soon as he took them off, he immediately felt a significant difference in his vision, as everything was more blurred to see him. Then, Esa decides to cut all her hair. Then the young man takes a blade and shaves all his leather hair, goes completely bald. He looked like someone else. Unrecognizable.

Esa stays at the pension doing her job for a brief two days. On the third day, at dusk, Esa leaves her purse and glasses in the room which the lady had given her in exchange for work and leaves without her noticing her departure.

Determined, a little nervous, Esa, now completely changed and unrecognizable from his previous appearance, plans to join Hidana's faction, so that, in the end, she can get closer to him and finally kill him. The initial plan was just to find and kill him. However, as the criminal was almost inaccessible, Esa changes his plans.

Walking towards the big house, the men who were on guard soon noticed the presence of a young bald man with a sword coming towards the house. Esa said with full conviction that he was a fan of Hidana, knew him from Hollen, followed him for a long time and wanted to join his faction to work for him. He didn't care about the job. He just wanted to work for the one he idolized.

It showed as proof of loyalty, an amount of money, which Esa had strategically separated, to give to Hidana as a form of gift and admiration.

The alleged guards took his money and wouldn't let him in. Sending him away. Esa said that she would not leave until she met Hidana, her supposed idol. Then the two men who were there and Esa began to argue, however, without drawing a sword on either side.

Esa, however, says again that she will stay until she talks to Hidana. One of the alleged guards says he couldn't stay there, on the balcony. However, Esa says that it's okay, and that she will be waiting outside, claiming that it was no longer their property, on the street side, meaning so to speak.


Entrance to the City of Monovidad

5:02 pm

In the late afternoon, the sun set immensely over the trees in the city of Entral. On the city boundary, where there was a huge arch, was a man sitting on a stool. This gentleman was there silently reading his newspaper, and from time to time, he looked at a tree, watching the sun go down. From what happened when two soldiers arrived at his side, they stopped near you

�� Good afternoon sir!

The gentleman put down the newspaper and looked up, just looking at whoever had called him.

— Did you happen to see any of these people passing by? Look...

One of the soldiers presented him with some pictures and drawings of members of the Hidana faction that Valmor had described.

"Did this man here or someone similar to him come by on some of these days?"

You looked at the photo very attentively, confused, namely, if you had really seen someone described there or if you were mistaking it for someone like that. Staring at the photo, he stopped for a while and looked at it as if he were thinking. After checking, nodding his head, you said no.

The military expressed a tone of disappointment and distanced themselves from the man for a moment. One of the military even took a wallet of cigarettes from his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it after putting it in his mouth.

— Work in vain - said a military man.

The man who was sitting, looked at one of the photos that was in one of the hands of the military man who smoked and saw Hidana. This figure that he had seen a few times in the city. And then, suddenly, you answer.

— These you showed me, I never saw them.

The military looks back at you.

— But this one.

Pointing to Hidana, she had told them where she saw him go and everything she knew about him from the times she had seen him in the city. The military was looking for Hidana, a criminal much sought after by Hollen's military, but it was practically impossible to find him, since he always changed his whereabouts and was hardly seen walking around the streets like a common civilian.


Monovidad Coastline

04:57 am

Early in the morning in Entral, a very tall tree, among so many of the small forests in the city, was motionless with its leaves fallen down. Suddenly, a mysterious wind begins to blow on the leaves of this tree, shaking the leaves tenderly. When looking up, the sky was a light blue with a slight orange hue. Countless crumbling clouds completed the sky and the sun threatens to rise over the horizon, namely, with a lot of brightness. A leak ran in pauses in the gutter of Hidana's big house. The front guards were asleep. Esa was sitting on the road with his feet on the ground and his forearms resting on his knees, his head resting on his forearms while he slept.

Inside the criminal precinct, the corridors were deserted. The beds were unmade with no criminals sleeping in the beds. The kitchen in the house was deserted. The stairs of the house that gives access to the top part were also deserted, however, a voice could be heard in the distance professing something, but what was said was not understood. A little further up, on the second floor, Hidana was gathered and around 84 criminals, including Esa, who was infiltrating the faction, while informing the latest details about the assault on the ship is about to happen in a few minutes.

— How's the ship? - asked a member of the faction.

— It will be the only ship to pass through here at that time along the coast of Monovidad - replied Hidana.

— Not be too difficult to identify. It is a very large ship, somewhat simple and without many ornaments. It was built to transport iron and coal miners. This strategy by the Hollen Central Bank was intended to distract people's attention. There's his name written, Helessa-17 on its side — added Laura.

— And how are we going to take it? — asked a criminal.

— Are there not many guards securing the ship? — asked another member.

— By my calculations, according to his route, he will pass by here on the coast of Monovidad in a few minutes. There is a small cliff over part of its route. It is the perfect opportunity for you to jump off the cliff when the ship passes under and surprise you — replied Nohaw.

— And how are we going to take all that gold? — asked someone.

"Yes, it is an extraordinary amount of gold," said another member of the faction.

— We will surrender the ship's crew — replied Laura

— Yes, and the ship will be stopped at sea. We will take hostages and change the ship's route so that it goes to Monovidad, before Carsas — replied Hidana.

— Arriving at the coast of Monovidad, we put all the gold in our base. However, in the early morning part of the next day — completed Laura.

— Hey, Hidana! — shouted one of the guards — there is a person here wanting to see you.

Hidana immediately walked to the door. After opening only a gap in the door to find out if he was an enemy, one of the guards had reached the door and whispered in Hidana's ear while pointing at Esa, who was in front of the house, but on the side of the road facing them. After finally opening the door, Hidana had approached the young man and asked him.

— Do you want to work for me?

— Yes.

— Do you have parents or relatives?

— No.

— Where are you from and where do you know me.

— I'm from the Schneidjerl academy, the one you provided jobs for students. I flew from there and took a long train ride to get here. I don't believe I have a future at that academy. I want to be as prosperous as you are. I have nothing, just wander the streets.

Hidana thought for a moment and then said.

— Did anyone follow you or see you here?

— No. I went to school at dawn.

After looking at the young man for a moment, even though he did not recognize him, then eyes to the side to see someone was watching them, until finally he said:

— Well... Ok... I have a service for you. You may come in.

After explaining about the plan, Esa was placed, to his surprise, as the front line in the heat of the moment due to the opportunity of the faction to attack. The faction walked to the cliff early that morning, where the streets were completely deserted, in order to carry out the assault. Laura watched the whole interaction from afar, while smoking her cigarette.

The sun is now rising more sharply on the horizon. Its light begins to flow through Hollen. In Entral, his light had reached his own where Hidana's faction was installed.

The faction then comes out fully armed with their swords and in quick steps without running, towards the front door of the house. As the criminals passed through the door, they began to spread out and Laura had lit a cigarette when she looked at Hidana from a distance, watching him talk to one of the guards at the front of the house.

Arriving at the place designated in the plan, the entire faction was on the edge of the cliff. A large Indian queue lurks ready to carry out a lightning assault on the merchant ship. After a short delay, someone whispered:

— Will he stop by right here?

— Is this the right route where the ship will pass?

— Wait... Patience... — said Laura.

— We are on time — said Hidana.

Suddenly, on the cloudy horizon, the ship appears sailing slowly, accompanied by a small boat with only one man and a covered cargo.

"He came," said someone.

— There he is! — said Laura.

The faction waited patiently for the ship to arrive and pass close to the precipice. When the ship was passing under the precipice, Hidana gave the order.

— Wait... Wait... Wait... — said Hidana.

When the ship was finally at the right point for the jump.

— Now!

At the moment of the fall, when everyone jumped in the sight of each other, there was an immense height below, a ship passing by and an endless sea as a backdrop. Like jumping out of a waterfall. In that split second, many were afraid. And then suddenly, the criminals started to jump off the small cliff onto the ship. From a distance, it was possible to see a swarm of criminals falling into the sea vehicle over the cliff.

When Hidana's faction jumped on the ship, the guards who were there were surprised by a huge scare. Soon surrendered, the criminal faction took the guards' swords. The frightened guards looked at each other. This, by the way, later annoyed Hidana. Because he realized that he had a small number of guards at the top for the size of that ship, due also to its importance. So Hidana interruptedly said:

— Hey!

Everyone looked at Hidana.

— Silence!

A silence then takes over the place, while the surrendered guards looked at each other.

— Having something wrong around here. This does not smell good - said Laura.

Right now, after an awkward silence, dozens and dozens of other guards left hidden places, cornering the criminal faction. Seeing that they were surrounded, the faction quickly drew all their swords and stood guard.

Suddenly, a violent uproar with screams stopped. A violent sword fight between criminals and government officials was ignited by a bloody fight, where blood was flying high up on the floor, blood on the walls and blood flying at other people in a shower of blades.

Esa sheathed his sword again and sneaked into that random fight, namely, why Hidana was. That was when someone lit a bomb's wick and threw it in the middle of the fight. The explosion of the bomb made a huge crash, while the ship was directed to change the route from Monovidad to Carsas while the fight between the two sides took place, because Laura had entered the control room, surrendered the officers who were in that room and had directed the ship to another route. Among other purposes, he thought of isolating the fight from any other possible military authority or government member on the coast of Entral.

A man was walking in a corridor at the bottom of the ship, reading a large open paper he had received about some military projects that were under development in a barracks in another city far away. Well focused on what the paper said, the man stops walking to understand some texts. He put his hand on his waist and remains focused on trying to understand reading. Until a drop from the ceiling hits the paper open. The man pauses his concentration on the paper for a moment, looks up and sees a leak coming from the ceiling. Closing his face with the expression that it was something strange, he ignores the paper and keeps repairing the leaks appearing more and more on the ceiling while he goes back to repairing them. Suddenly a very strong earthquake happens there and the unbalanced man falls.

— Oops! — Said with a shaky voice falling sitting on the floor.

Then he gets up and starts walking quickly at the end of the corridor. Once there, there was a metal spiral staircase towards the top floor and far more steps up was the exit. Looking up, before your vision reaches the bottom of the stairs, you hear a noise of people fighting. His expression soon changes.

With the explosion, a faction member had flown while losing a leg. In the collision, people died and others flew very high and a guard, such an impact, flew from the ship to the sea.

Interestingly, the small boat that followed the ship, belonged to the Cas faction, with all the members covered in it, except Hermano, who paddled the boat with his strong arms so that they could keep a good distance from the ship, turned with the impacts of the explosions and with the many crates and debris coming from the ship and they all fell scattered far from each other across the sea.

After many people became unbalanced and fell to the ground, Esa realized that Hidana was close to the edge of the ship, where she could jump into the sea. On that occasion, in the impetus of his vengeful fury, Esa draws his sword and runs towards Hidana, grabbing him, jumping with him into the sea.

Both fell from a very high height from the ship into the sea clinging. Upon entering the sea, they came across numerous colossal statues at the bottom of the ocean. A completely scary and mysterious scene. A mysterious city appeared to have been submerged there.

Surprised by the murder that Hidana had received for a moment, he lost some of his strength as he was assaulted by a fright. Esa had an enormous desire to kill him, trying to stick his sword in Hidana's chest. Hidana was unable to contain the young man's strength, even both underwater. Hidana only tried to prevent the sword from entering her chest, which Esa tried with all her might to shove into the leader of the Drug Empire. Hidana tried to recognize why she had received that attack while looking at the young man, but he did not recognize him, since the young man had abandoned his glasses and shaved his hair, becoming unrecognizable to his previous appearance.

Hidana started shaking her wrist as she grabbed the young man's trying to stop him, and when she looked at his face, the young man was exhaling hatred looking at the tip of the sword wanting it to enter his chest. It was then, when Hidana felt that suddenly, without even foreshadowing, her time had come. He remembered the play where he had talked about fulfilling his wishes. He remembered some conversations with Laura about the increase of his Empire. He remembered what Belter had said about the ocean. Hidana for the first time started to cry, when she realized that she was finally going to die.

While the sword slowly penetrated with great resistance in the heart, Hidana, sitting in a chair, while writing in a book on a desk, in a totally dark place where only a light illuminated him:

"All my life I thought that what was distant was all I needed to finally be fulfilled. I used revenge, hatred, ardor, the thirst for success to achieve it. But whenever I reached it, the desire and the idea and success was always a step ahead of me. Always on the horizon. There was never full satisfaction, in fact. There is always a new desire. I should have known the time to stop. when you get to it, after the peak, failure comes. "

And then, Esa's sword entered Hidana's chest, piercing her heart. While Hidana was crying, the criminal looked at the young man with exhaling hatred while also crying, however, in anger, penetrating deeper and deeper into his chest, reaching his heart. Hidana then finally recognized who the young man was. The young man was the student that he had beaten him many weeks ago, which almost killed him. Thinking that of all kinds of drug dealers, criminals, government officials and enemies, Hollen's biggest drug dealer was killed by a student who sneaked into his faction.

The young man drew his sword, causing a major hemorrhage in the man, who sank into the ocean, now dead. Esa started to drown, due to holding her breath for a long time, sheaths her sword and starts to nothing to the surface, where, from the bottom, where the colossal statues were, there was a young man trying to swim up while a light shone on the surface in the sea, a light that came from outside.

Meanwhile, the violent struggle between criminals and government officials still took place on the ship, which both fought for their survival on the ship that was heading towards the Monovidad coast.


It is possible to hear the sound of the waves of an ocean. A body is floating over the sea. Such a body is thrown back and forth... By the waves... However, not far from the sand. The sea was a little rough.

Many hours after the incident, the weather had changed completely. The weather was cloudy, cold and without sun, where a body is taken by the sea and the destination, until the sand. Minutes later, after the body is thrown in the sand, Ian wakes up. As he slowly regains consciousness, with his eyes closed, a great commotion of birds and sea water is heard. He was on the sand, lying with his clothes torn and wet. As he was, he opened his eyes right there. After seeing a cloudy sky with heavy gray clouds, you could see nothing but a deserted horizon, when looking to the side. A beach where there was nobody, except the young man himself. Luckily for you it could start raining at any time. Then Ian starts to turn his head and looks away. There was nothing but big rocks, strong waves crashing into it, followed later, herons walking on the sand and on some wooden benches between some sidewalks on the beach.

Lying down and breathing hard, he tries to get up. With every move he tried, he seemed to be pushing his body against a knife. It cut him inside, and his head was buzzing a lot.

Despite the dizziness, the place seemed to be an abandoned beach, with some dimly glowing lamps, others already paid for. Suddenly, a heron is slowly gliding down from its flight, while it watches it, following only with its eyes. And then, it lands on top of a lamp that was on. He keeps his gaze lingering on her, panting and breathing with his mouth open.

After that, go around the eyes or the sky, turning your head to the sky too. The young man, without saying a word, thinks about the feeling of how bad the pain and malaise is. The young man really looked terrible. And then he looks back at the lamp where the heron had landed. In this he saw, just below the lamp, that his sword was far away, which discouraged him even more to get up. It felt like a thousand broken bones inside his body, weighing heavily. A body carrying another body. With a lot of effort, he tries to get up. It is a sad feeling not to be able to just get up. He crawls across the sand and tries to support his arms in the sand, in order to get up. Ian stops for a moment, breathes and after gathering energy, manages to stand. For a moment he stops in his position and breathes continuously. Then he starts walking. It is already progress. He walked, walked a little more... He walked for six or seven very slow and crooked steps while seeing things in front of him in a blurred way. With great effort he walks towards the sword... And then I fell tired in the sand again. No more strength to lift.

In that sad scene, Ian falls and lies on the floor. Along with the sound of birds, which was still very loud and the sound of the rough sea hitting the rocks.