Ch31. Green Homies

Natasha crouched near the closed and locked gate leading to the warehouse where the gang Green Homies was currently gathered and where Tony's electronics were stashed. She already dragged two dead guards near the bins and surprisingly, there were no other look-outs.

Then again, maybe she expected a bit too much from an ordinary gang. Especially one with such a ridiculous name.

After she and Tony decided to go to New York, they did not take a plane nor inform anyone about their outing. For anyone interested, Natalie Rushman and Tony Stark were having a pleasant evening in Tony's house in Malibu, and JARVIS was tasked with preventing anyone from finding out otherwise.

Instead, Natasha created a portal to an alleyway she remembered from one of her jobs in the New York and the two took a taxi near this warehouse. She had to say, Tony's fake beard was quite silly but his self-confidence when the taxi driver looked at him as if he lost his marbles was hilarious.

After they arrived, it took Natasha some time to persuade Tony to let her deal with the situation first before he showed up. Fortunately, she had an ample amount of ass-kicking she gave him during their morning spars to draw from and the fact that Tony did not have his suit.

He did pout and complain like a kid but eventually relented.

That's why she was now setting an explosive to the door of the warehouse. She was alone for this 'mission' and there were over fifty armed gangsters inside. She had to be smart about this.

That said, Natasha was not overly worried. She survived worse odds with less equipment.

When Tony realized she wanted to barge in alone, he teleported home and back, bringing her several things that made her day. One of which was the bomb she was planting.

Natasha quietly decided to find out where he was keeping this kind of equipment in their house.

Tony even presented her with his nanobot clothes that were supposed to be able to stop bullets. Well, Natasha had some reservations but from experience, she knew that while Tony loved to exaggerate, he never did so when it came to the capabilities of his inventions and especially his suits.

He was more prone to downplay them, really. A margin for an error, he called it.

The bomb was prepared and Natasha took a deep breath. The game was on.

She stood up and banged on the door in a loud and hurried manner before running away, dropping two devices in front of the gate. She crouched far enough from the gate near a wall that the explosion won't affect her... the bomb wasn't all that powerful, after all... and when she heard sufficient commotion, counting at least five guys, behind the gate, Natasha set it off.

An explosion instantly resounded through the vicinity as the heavy steel door was ripped out of their pants and flew into the warehouse, loudly flattening the five men behind it.

A deafening silence followed for a moment before the men in the warehouse started shouting and chaos ensued. It didn't take long for two chosen peons to come out, shaking while holding sub-machines in their hands, causing Natasha to wonder where did these black kids, as they couldn't be more than twenty, get such weapons.

Natasha was not especially hidden. She was just crouching near the wall to their right but before they could register her, the two devices she previously threw in front of the gate went off, electrocuting the two guys, causing them to shake from something else than fear and nervosity.

Two seconds later, they went down while smoke was rising from their bodies which discouraged any other person from trying to go out through the main gate.

Happy with everything going according to her plan, Natasha took out two hooks and started calling the wall, helped by the nanobots that morphed her shoes into ones with spikes. In under ten seconds, she nimbly climbed the four meters between the ground and the small opened window she early saw.

A normal person would not have a chance to get through such a small opening but Natasha not only had a small figure but the very first thing the Red Room taught her was flexibility. It helped in the bedroom as much as in missions.

Silently slinking through the window, Natasha found herself in a dark room that was fortunately empty and silently kneeled near the wall on one knee. She had to get ready.

She unfastened her belt and carefully put it on the ground, watching as it dissolved into a liquid-like substance that quickly flowed towards her sleeves, merging into them. That was... Natasha lost words for a second. The application this had. She wondered if the nanobots could morph into a blade or something that could be used for offense.

The loss of the belt was fine. Natasha could recreate it easily and its only use was to attach her necessary equipment while climbing anyway. She didn't need it anymore.

On the ground were left several devices of the same nature as she used in front of the warehouse door and Natasha promptly put them into her sleeves where they attached themselves inside them and she would have easy access to them. Then there was only a pistol and a silencer left.

Natasha took the silencer, putting it on the pistol, and stood up, quietly and nimbly walking towards the door.

The game was on.


James Granz was terrified and wondered where did it all go so horribly wrong.

He was just a leader of a small-time gang in New York, minding his business, doing his job, and focusing on feeding his family like any other homie!

It wasn't anything special but he got the dough, yo!

Women, homies, and weed! He got it all! So why!?

"Fire! Fire! Kill it with fire!" James hysterically screamed while shooting an entire magazine at the hooded figure clad in black attire in a wild abandon.

It was obviously a woman from her figure but James couldn't see her face as it was covered with something akin to a black mask with glasses under the hood. Not even a bit of her skin was exposed. Even her hands sported black gloves.

When she casually walked inside this isolated room with only one exit, he was grinning like a loon that the stupid bitch fell for his trap! He felt very proud of himself and already promised himself to celebrate by visiting his favorite call girl and getting the best weed he could.

It was a pity they could not get the whore alive. He would have loved to reward his guys with her. They would have been quite brutal after she killed over twenty of their brothers. But James knew that would have been dangerous. Anyone who can alone kill twenty men without receiving a scratch was not someone to play around with.

If it were not for his genius plan, his homies would have been slaughtered! Taken out one by one!

These were his thoughts as the last thirty remaining homies from his gang aimed their cannons at her the second the door closed behind her.

When the shoot-out started... James saw many things on the streets but a small figure of a woman shooting his men while calmly standing as bullets rained upon her, creating orange sparks whenever they harmlessly bounced from her black clothes... that scared even him.

His men were quickly falling one after another, showing that the woman was a good shot, while a pile of deflected bullets started to appear under the woman.

James really couldn't wrap his head around how she could just shrug off the multiple submachine guns so when she started slowly walking forward, he almost shat himself and momentarily stopped firing.

He wasn't the only one. Some of his homies unknowingly followed his lead and their group instantly felt the consequences of faltering when the woman fired another magazine, killing seven of his homies who were still shooting at her.

Seeing that his side was quickly losing, James screamed, "Fire! Fire, you idiots!" while trying to discreetly walk back, getting as far away from the woman as possible. Having no other exit no longer sounded so smart to him.

With each step of the woman, another of his men fell to the ground. James's back hit the wall long ago but what else but frantically shoot his gun at her could he do? Shoot, reload, shoot while screaming 'Die, die, die!' in his mind.

There was nothing else.

Until he realized the woman stood right in front of him and his pistol released just an empty clicking sound and there was no longer any of his homies left.

"M-M-Monster! Mutant!" He screamed with horror in his eyes, pointing his empty gun at the woman's chest while his arm and body trembled from fright.

The woma-, no, the monster calmly reached forward, grabbing his gun by the barrel and taking it out of his hand. James was too shocked to even try holding his gun tighter so with laughable ease, his gun left his hands and the monster threw it behind herself.

Disarmed, James could do nothing as the woman balled her hand into a fist, and then...
