Ch45. Killian's base 2

Tony, JARVIS, and FRIDAY were silently flying above Killian's mansion, all three controlling a suit of Iron Man armor.

This was the first 'field' test for JARVIS and FRIDAY. Today, their mettle would be tested in a battle and their control of the Iron Man suit would undergo several challenges!

Or, at least, Tony would have loved to think about it that way but he knew that they were facing hired thugs pretending to be proper people by wearing suits so...

His expectations couldn't be lower.

This will be just another boring rodeo where his Iron Man armors show their superiority. He even wondered why he was so eager to participate... He was already bored.

Couldn't the hired thugs show a bit more competence and notice they are being infiltrated already? It was thirty minutes since Natasha got in!

The alarms of the mansion started suddenly blaring and Tony felt a rush of excitement surge in his body.

"Finally! At this rate, I was afraid Natasha would have finished without me!" Tony exclaimed and flew his suit towards the mansion, followed by the suits controlled by his A.I.s.

Tony took the northern side, JARVIS the western, and FRIDAY the eastern, and all used the repulsors to blast a huge hole through the walls on their respective sides as they walked in like a boss.

Tony was about to utter some cheesy line to make his entrance even more badass but JARVIS jumped the queue for speech allowance.

"Wouldn't it be better if Miss Romanoff finished without you, Sir?"

And Tony simply couldn't help himself as he grinned, "My pride as a man would have suffered, J. No man wants to hear from a woman that he was either too quick or that she could have finished even without him. Remember that."

The guards of the mansion clearly noticed three armored figures blasting through the mansion they were supposed to guard and didn't like it one bit. Tony and his two Artifacts were instantly under a suppression fire that was honestly doing nothing to the Iron Man suits.

There was no reason to worry about people seeing those suits either. Tony never revealed he was the Iron Man in this timeline and nobody even suspected he was capable of creating such an armor. There was nothing to link him to this.

Well... maybe.

He did leave his first prototype lying in pieces in the middle of the desert, and in hindsight, that was an oversight. So, Tony could not be hundred percent sure but... who cared, right?

"Is your relationship with Miss Romanoff already in that stage, Boss?" FRIDAY innocently asked with a hint of interest in her tone as she blew up another wall and squashed three guards like flies.

Hearing her question, Tony suddenly halted, ignoring the shower of bullets the guards were harmlessly raining upon him, as his mind went to the gutter. He realized JARVIS's and FRIDAY's biggest avenue for learning was the internet.

And what is the internet full of?


This oversight made Tony's head spin as he started heavily doubting his parenting skills. His babies were too young for that shit!

"Oh! You have learned about this, FRIDAY?" JARVIS asked, not noticing Tony's internal struggle while he kept killing people with the suit left and right.

Neither JARVIS nor FRIDAY had any remorse or regard for human life. Why would they? They were not humans and did not have a conscience telling them killing was wrong.

Tony would, later on, wince after hearing the casualty report, only then realizing he forgot to order J and FRIDAY from totally slaughtering their opposition.

Not that he could fault them for that.

"Yes! There is this thing called soap opera-" FRIDAY excitedly started chattering with JARVIS about human relationships and their stages while smashing an exceptionally 'brave' guard who ran at her with a knife with her iron fist and breaking several of his bones as he was sent flying back into the wall behind him.

Tony inwardly sighed in relief that her source was not what he expected. He didn't need perverted Artifact!

'Soap opera.' He drily thought in exasperation. 'Now it is certain. My parenting skills do suck. I almost wish she watched porn instead.'

Just like that, their rampage through the mansion continued.


Natasha finally reached the main laboratory and saw through the closed door there were five guards not leaving their positions all around the room.

Now, this was a bit more of a challenge than the whole infiltration so far.

Her target, Maya Hansen, was however inside the room with the guards so Natasha didn't really have another option but to proceed.

Unfortunately, three of the guards were on the other side of the room and while the enchanted bullets could easily go through the walls, they were not yet perfect. The further away the target was, the more chance for their trajectory to veer off its course and Natasha couldn't risk it. She could have hit Maya.

Taking a deep breath, Natasha quickly shot the two closest guards through the wall and kicked the door open before rolling into the room towards the closest obstacle where she could take a cover.

It was some kind of expensive-looking machine but Natasha couldn't really care less.

Maya Hansen and the three remaining guards in the room instantly took cover too while the guards started shooting in Natasha's direction.

It was obvious they would stall for time, waiting for their comrades to come to help them after dealing with whatever commotion was going on above them. They had no idea their comrades had no way of beating Tony.

And while Natasha could easily wait until Tony was done with his part and came looking for her, she had her own pride, and waiting for him like a damsel in distress was definitely out of question.

Natasha took the nearest throwable thing to her, some kind of scientific gadget or something, well, she didn't recognize it so it can't be all that expensive, no? And then she threw it onto the ground with enough force to break it, creating a lot of noise which attracted the attention of the hiding guards.

She used this distraction to lean around her cover and shoot at one guard, using her enchanted bullet to shoot straight through his cover and instantly killing him before she had to duck behind her cover again.

Yes, she had her nanobot clothes and could shrug bullets off but Tony showed a lot of worries when he heard about her tanking bullets. He was fussing over her like a mother hen for almost an entire day and while Natasha enjoyed the attention, she absolutely hated the source of it was her carelessness.

She decided to not needlessly let others shoot her if she could help it.

With her see-through magic, she noticed the guards had at least some semblance of combat training because they started sneaking towards her the second they noticed she could shoot through objects.

Not that it helped them as they didn't realize she could also see them through objects so while they thought they were completely safe, hidden from her gaze, they both earned themselves a headshot.

Natasha stood up and calmly walked towards Maya Hansen who was cowering under her desk and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane from fear. Natasha then forcefully pulled the wide-eyed brunette from under the table and asked, "Maya Hansen?"

Maya seemed almost relieved that the redhead didn't kill her too as she meekly answered in a questioning tone, "Y-yes?"

"I need you to come with me." Natasha said with a finality which made Maya regain a measure of her confidence from the sheer indignance she felt.

"B-but I can't! M-my research!"

She tried to protest but Natasha was having none of that. She didn't care about this woman but Tony wanted her expertise. That meant nothing to Natasha though. She wasn't about to argue with her.

Grabbing Maya firmly by her hair, Natasha started painfully pulling the feebly protesting woman behind herself on her way out of the mansion.

It didn't take long for Maya to understand her place and stop protesting, focusing on keeping up as that was less painful for her. Fortunately, the inside of the mansion was completely unguarded, all guards focused on north, east, and west where Tony's suits were rampaging.

Natasha did not need to fight even one guard as she made her way out through the southern side.

She and Maya left the mansion, arriving at a huge lawn behind the mansion before Natasha put her wrist close to her mouth and spoke, "Tony, we are ready for the pickup."

Maya was just silently observing her situation, still a bit afraid, but now that she had a second without being painfully pulled by her hair, she noticed the whole mansion was full of shooting and...

Before her mind could gather its wits two humanoid metal armors that looked straight out taken from a sci-fi movie appeared in the air, speedily flying towards them with no intentions of stopping. Maya got frightened and tried to take a step back in preparation of jumping out of the way but Natasha's hold on her was simply too firm.

Maya closed her eyes, preparing for the painful meeting with a flying lump of metal at 100 miles per hour but...

Before the armors could crash into them they suddenly as if dissolved into a metallic goo, and engulfed the two women.

Maya opened her eyes, inwardly gaping as she found herself encased in the Iron Man armor controlled by FRIDAY and flying away from the mansion.

The only thing in her tired mind before she fainted from the stress was...

'What a day.'