Ch52. Announcement

Tony was quietly trying to gather his courage to go with his plan and Natasha enjoyed leaning on his shoulder, occasionally popping some sweet into her mouth while boredly watching all the dancing pairs.

"They really all snobs, aren't they?" He suddenly spoke, distracting himself from his doubts.

Tony knew he would have enough guts to go with it when the time came. He always did. He was Tony Stark!

But this was such a harebrained plan it made even him nervous. The world was going to shake with one sentence from him.

"Aren't you one of these snobs, though?" Natasha indifferently asked, a hint of amusement and anticipation for his answer in her tone.

Knowing what she was doing, Tony puffed out his chest, "No, Nat. I am a refined snob! These snobs have nothing on my polished snobbery."

She had to be really bored to start their calm argument about nothing important to amuse herself...

"Mhm. Yeah, you are totally right." Natasha hummed, delightfully delivering the next jab. "You are in a league of your own. You are like the superman of snobs."

"Feel free to call me Lord Supersnob, peasant. Now, worship me." Tony lovingly whispered to Natasha, causing her to giggle.

God, how he loved that sound.

Natasha leaned closer to his ear and seductively purred, "As you command, your Lordship. I will thoroughly worship you tonight."

Tony gulped when he felt her warm breath brush his ear, her lips slowly trailing his neck with soft kisses, turned just in the right angle to make it appear to others as if they were just snuggling.

Unfortunately, nothing good ever lasts and pests are everywhere.

"Ah! Tony! I didn't know we would be seeing you here!" An annoying voice suddenly excitedly exclaimed from nearby, startling both Natasha and Tony from their own world.

Tony knew the approaching voice.

When he realized to whom it belonged, he had to stifle a groan and bury his head in the crook of Natasha's neck.

"Please tell me he is just an annoying illusion." He whispered.

Natasha's hushed reply however disappointed him. "Considering from how the average IQ in the room suddenly dropped? Sorry, Tony, but I think he is quite real."

Abruptly straightening up and plastering a big fake smile on his lips, Tony turned towards the direction from where the voice was coming.

"Jamie! How are you and your toy-making company?" He jovially asked, his tone full of welcoming vibe.

"Very funny, Tony." The approaching man jested back, not realizing Tony was actually serious. "I am doing great! And my company more so!" He proudly declared while seating himself near Tony and Natasha alongside a blonde woman that seemed familiar to Tony but... he decided it was not important. "Now that you are out of the game, my company became the biggest supplier of weapons to the US army!" The man finished.

"God help US army, then." Tony muttered.

"And my name is not Jamie." The man added.

Tony furrowed his eyebrows, "Okay, Ja..." He abruptly stopped, continuing only a second later, "Jo... uh, I mean, Jus-" The man looked almost hopeful. Before Tony finished. "tice?" Tony tilted his head in real confusion.

"It is Justin." Justin Hammer's smile became a tad bit forced when he realized his rival did not even know his name.

Tony nodded in acknowledgment and his eyes slid towards the woman clinging to Justin's arm, "I know you, don't I? You are... Clara... no. Clarinet... nope. Cl, no, Cr, uh, Caroline? No that also doesn't sound right for some reason." Tony mumbled loudly enough for the woman to hear and her expression was already twitching. Tony was not bothered by it though. He didn't even notice as he put his pointing fingers on his chin in a pondering manner.

"You don't look like Camile nor Charlie. They were brunettes... I guess. Chloe was the name of the prettier girl than you so that's also a no." Tony looked at the flabbergasted blonde who was gritting her teeth in embarrassment and asked, "Er... Cecilia?"

The woman had to take a very deep breath to calm herself while she forced a smile onto her face and spoke in an affable voice, "I am Christine Everhart, Tony. You could have remembered that. It wasn't so long."

"I just had a hard time remembering your name, geez. I do remember you. You were my last fuck before Afghanistan." Tony deadpanned, causing Natasha to involuntarily burst into laughter from the sheer unexpectedness of that statement.

Justin Hammer seemed mightily uncomfortable with the current situation while Christine's jaw dropped from sheer disbelief at Tony's audacity.

At that moment, a waitress was passing by, about to offer the four people a drink she was carrying on her tray but when she overheard Tony Stark's words, she quickly turned around and smoothly walked away, pretending not to hear anything.

She only burst into laughter in the safety of the kitchens.

Christine finally regained some of her wits, still looking wide-eyed at Tony. She knew there was no reasonable speech with him so she turned to a better target. The redhead sitting near Tony.

"You should throw away your hopes, girl." Christine derisively snorted, her expression set in a compassionate one as if she was giving Natasha the best advice in her life, "Stark doesn't care about you. He will just use you for the night before throwing you away like a used filthy rag."

Natasha didn't instantly rebuke Christine. Reacting angrily would not do. It would not piss the bitch off.

"Miss Everhart," She calmly started, also in an affable tone, "I think you are misunderstanding something. Yours and my circumstances are a bit different." She leaned forward, kindly patting Christine on her forearm while softly kicking Tony under the table.

Tony understood that Natasha wanted him to introduce her and probably state she was his girlfriend for a few months already but...

Tony's eyes glanced to the side where a few 'authorized' reporters waited for a scoop, looking straight at them while pretending to eat from the buffet table nearby.

They were let in because they had manners and could be quiet without asking questions on every occasion and generally annoy people. Tony didn't mind them. They were at every event like this, just seldom in sight.

This was his opportunity to enact his plan!

"Ah, forgive my lacking manners. I forgot to introduce you." Tony gave a wide smile, "This is Natalia Romanova." He took a deep breath before proudly uttering, My fiancee and the future Mrs. Stark."

Natasha's head instantly snapped in his direction while the eyes of everybody around comically widened in speechless shock, gaping at Tony.

Seeing in his eyes that Tony meant what he said, Natasha almost teared up and couldn't help herself from affectionately kissing his cheek.

She also realized the consequences of that sentence. Tomorrow, the entire world would know that Natalia Romanova is Tony Stark's fiancee. But... she couldn't care less right now.

"An f-f-fiancee!?" Christine shouted, attracting the attention of the entire massive room that now curiously looked in their direction.

Unhappy with having her happy moment spoiled, a cold smile appeared on Natasha's face. Her tone, however, was very friendly. "Tony told me a lot about you, Miss Everhart. Apparently, you love to write about him are don't shy from using your body to get a scoop." That earned a few snickers from the surrounding people. They were all rich and had their own experiences with journalists.

Christine blushed crimson red when she heard the stifled laughter in the background but she had no idea Natasha was just warming up.

"He also told me you are nothing exceptional in bed." She sweetly stated before curiously looking at Justin with innocent wide eyes and in a wondering tone exclaimed loud enough for the entire room to easily hear. "Since you are clearly now hammering her, would you mind giving your opinion on sleeping with Tony's sloppy seconds, Mr. Hammer?"

Both Justin and Christine looked as if they ate a bug as the people around either giggled, snickered, or eagerly awaited Justin's answer, all eyes in the room concentrated on them.

'Ha! Doesn't feel so good when your sex life is the topic for the masses, does it, bitch?' Natasha inwardly sneered.

Tony decided he couldn't be bested at being an ass to others so he joined the fray, "He wouldn't know where to start forming his opinion, dear. He is as impotent as she is bad in bed. They are practically made for each other!"

The laughter erupted.

Yeah... coming to this party was so worth it!


Natasha and Tony barged into their house, laughing all the way from the party and discussing while making fun of Justin's and Christine's expressions. They had a few more rounds of nice remarks on their expenses before the two silently stood up and left in shame.

Tony never thought having a side-kick would be such fun!

Somehow along the way from the front hall to their bedroom, Natasha and Tony ended up making out, until Natasha found herself lying on her back on their bed and Tony was looming over her and his hands roamed all over her body while his tongue refused to leave her mouth.

Separating and gasping for air, Tony put his forehead on Natasha's, smiling at the woman who was also breathing hard and smiling at him.

"I have decided." He whispered.

"Hmm?" Natasha hummed, too busy concentrating on unbuttoning Tony's shirt.

"I am taking the next two days off from researching." Tony suddenly stated, surprising Natasha and looking deeply into her green eyes with desire. "I want you." He whispered.

Natasha momentarily stopped, her mind going blank before an excited grin appeared on her face from all the emotions Tony's simple words made her experience before a rush of excitement surged in her body.

This was what she was waiting for! She knew Tony's love for inventing was, for now, bigger than his love for her even if he himself didn't really realize it. But Natasha was nothing if not patient and hardworking.

One day, she would be in the first place in Tony's heart but she knew that being impulsive and pushy was not the right way to reach this goal. Natasha resolved herself to give Tony the initiative in their relationship and that's why she patiently waited for their first time. She thought it would take a lot of time yet but...

Her hands became eagerly busier as she started to take off his clothes just as he worked on getting her out of her dress. They were both passionate and clearly couldn't get enough of the other as their mouths separated only for a few seconds to take in the much-needed air before the next round of battle between their tongues started while they wrestled with each other on the bed.

That night and the following morning, Tony's bed got a proper workout after a long while as the duo thoroughly enjoyed each other, making a passionate competition out of bringing orgasm to the other, and as such, both were way past their 15th time before their bodies finally decided they had enough and they passed out.

Unfortunately, most of the furniture in the room didn't survive the experience and the bed was too wet to be used for sleep. One could sooner take a bath in it.

Tony and Natasha actually ended up sleeping on the fluffy carpet in front of the bed, snuggled into each other, Natasha laying on Tony, still blissfully filled to the brim with his lower part, as she nuzzled her cheek into his chest, while covered by sheets.

The world could burn for all they cared. Right now, they were happy and content.