Ch76. An interview

"You are actually serious? I thought you were kidding!" Tony spoke in befuddled apprehension as he was being dragged by Natasha through the halls of his skyscraper towards the meeting room where the supposed boss of his new security employees was waiting.

When Natasha said she found a solution to his problem of having loyal human security guards... because obviously he still needed to paint a picture of normalcy for others and having robots guarding his property would not accomplish that... Tony did not truly believe her.

After all, where could she get a solution while she was gallivanting all over the world, chasing her targets?

In hindsight, it became obvious when she this morning revealed she intended to hire the mafia.

Tony could only facepalm at that... and he took it as a joke, waving it off and letting her take care of whatever she deemed necessary for it. But apparently, ignoring his bad gut feeling was quite dumb of him.

Natasha was fully serious.

"Of course, I was serious." Natasha rolled her eyes. "Do you think I would joke about solving a problem for you?"

Tony didn't expect such a rebuttal. It was mild and without any bite but it nevertheless made him feel bad for doubting her.

Silence spread between them until they reached the door leading towards the meeting room and Natasha finally stopped, her facial features slightly shifting and making Tony give her a questioning look, to which she simply smiled.

"I couldn't really show her my normal face. Not with her background." She plainly explained and started to correct Tony's suit and tie.

Tony resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew how to dress properly. Women and their need for perfection...

As Natasha's hands dutifully worked to smoothen every barely visible wrinkle, Tony reached forward, putting his hands on her hips, causing her smile to subconsciously widen, before he inclined his head closer to her and whispered, "Sorry for doubting you."

Natasha pursed her lips and her cheeks slightly reddened but her eyes were fixated on Tony's clothes, doing the last finishing touches.

"Mhm." She gently hummed in quiet acknowledgment before pursing her lips and playfully quipping, "Just don't be your usual jerkish self. It took a bit of persuasion to drag her here."

Tony smirked... "Yes, mum."

To that, Natasha leaned forward, causing Tony to anticipate a kiss and lean forward too... but Natasha suddenly pushed herself on her toes and abruptly delivered a kiss on his forehead, instead of his mouth.

As she leaned back, she saw how flabbergasted Tony was and it made her grin, "Good boy." She patted his shoulder before turning around and walking towards the door.

Tony had barely enough time to blink away his shock and don his confident expression back by the time Natasha opened the door and walked inside.

Inwardly sighing and shaking his head in disbelief while swearing sweet, sweet revenge, Tony followed after her, his business persona in full blast.

What greeted him inside were two burly men clad in business suits, each standing on one side of a middle-aged blonde woman with scarred face and eyes almost as cold as Natasha's.

Tony could see why the woman would interest his fiancee.

And his lips slightly twitched.

'Another ruthless bitch in the house. Just great.' Tony dramatically thought.

While he was making his own opinion of the three new arrivals, they were also making a new opinion on Tony, and... the two men were barely keeping themselves from laughing.

Tony had no idea why until...

"Is that a new fashion sense here in America?" Balalaika turned towards Natasha, arching her eyebrow upward as she gestured towards Tony.

Tony scrunched his forehead in incomprehension, instinctively turning towards the glassy surface of the table only to see a big red smooch mark right in the middle of his forehead, causing his head to whip towards Natasha, his eyes full of betrayal.

"You deserved it." Natasha barely managed to let out through her restrained giggling.

"No, I did not." Tony scowled and whipped out a handkerchief before he started to wipe Natasha's red lipstick from his forehead. "You are making me look bad before my new employees!" He indignantly complained.

"Well, I gotta mark my territory." Natasha unrepentantly shrugged as she turned towards their guests, causing Tony to be unable to see her expression.

And while her tone was light and playful, her eyes were staring straight at Balalaika, no mirth in them, only a cold and serious restrained promise of pure violence if she tried something 'tricky' with Tony.

Balalaika's eyes dimmed but she gave Natasha a barely noticeable nod in order to show she understood the threat.

Natasha's words made Tony slightly less mad, but his discontent showed as he sat with a huff in the opposite seat from Balalaika and crossed his arms.

Natasha just silently walked towards him, standing slightly behind him to his right with a small satisfied smile on her lips. Despite that casual showing, she was fully on guard and it was obvious her eyes would not let even a single small move escape her.

It was Natasha's response to Balalaika bringing bodyguards with her. Usually, Natasha would just sit next to Tony in her role as his secretary but since Balalaika brought guards, it wouldn't do for Tony to not have any.

And it just so happened that Natasha could be considered as one.

'Such a useless power play. I guess the woman really wants to get back at me for my performance in her office.' Natasha thought in amusement.

"Tony, this is Sofiya, Sofiya, Tony." Natasha introduced them. She and Tony agreed on who would speak and when beforehand. That's why Tony kept quiet and before Balalaika could start speaking, Natasha continued, "I see you attained one of the highest possible positions in the Russian Mafia. Good for you."

She gestured at the inconspicuous badge pinned on Balalaika's chest. A badge that depicted her as one of the bosses of the Russian Mafia. Kovalinskij's previous position.

Balalaika just rolled her eyes. "As if you didn't know what would happen when you left that damn badge in the envelope. How did you even know I would be accepted?"

"Wasn't it obvious?" Natasha raised her eyebrow, "They send Kovalinskij to you. Not to some extremely protected safe place where nobody could find him but to you, a person that would most likely kill him on sight simply because of his personality." She shrugged, "They clearly expected you to get rid of the dumbass and take his place. After all, you do have a sizeable trained force and good economical background."

Balalaika just wordlessly nodded. That made sense. Still... it was hard to believe she became one of the big five so easily. Then again, someone like Kovalinskij managed to get there so that put a downer on any kind of happiness it could bring her.

"Let's go to the business." Balalaika slowly said, slowly tapping her finger on the dest in a show of impatience and nervousness, "Can you really cure the crippled comrades of mine if we work for you?" She asked in an even tone but for someone used to business negotiation like Tony or a trained spy such as Natasha, Balalaika was unable to hide the slight tone hopefulness her tone contained.

Tony looked at Natasha and smirked. She clearly didn't tell the woman everything.

"I can do more than that. I wonder... what would you say to get rid of that burn scar on your face and get back to your physical prime?" Tony playfully asked. He waited for Balalaika's eyes to widen... if only slightly, before he continued. "Of course, that's a one-time offer, employees only."

"You are quite sure we won't betray you after we get what we want, aren't you?" Balalaika remarked but had visible problems trying to stay expressionless.

When Tony saw that, he knew they had her. Natasha's description of her was spot on. A woman that would do anything for her subordinates. And yet...

"I saw enough of you to know that..." Tony laughed out loud, waving his hand from left to right and back. "Your pride and gratitude would not let you."

Balalaika pursed her lips for a moment when she heard that... but then she started laughing as she turned to Natasha.

"You are good. Very good."

Natasha put her hand on Tony's shoulder and smirked, "I told you, we are not so different."