Ch83. Unexpected visitor

While Tony was going through his change, Natasha was also experiencing something similar, yet, for her who had no idea of what was going on, it seemed more... magical.

Natasha didn't know the ins and outs of the ritual and that's why seeing the mostly orange core of her soul gave her fright.

It reminded her far too much of the realm where she was trapped after she sacrificed herself. The realm that to this day haunted her dreams whenever she didn't sleep in the comfortable embrace of Tony.

But it wasn't completely the same and that kept Natasha on the brink of her calmness for the initial parts. Only when the orange started to darken, slowly changing into red, she fully relaxed her tense mind.

It wasn't the same... Her quickened breathing slowed down in relief.

Not unlike Tony, Natasha also felt the sensation of crashing down as her mindscape and soulscape merged, creating one impenetrable fortress...

And when the process finally finished, Natasha found herself in...

"Our bedroom? Really?" She noted in amusement as she raised her eyebrow at it. She moved into Tony's bedroom, making it 'theirs', rather than 'his', more than a year ago. Still... she expected something more... something different.

Alas, there was nobody to answer her doubts for her. No JARVIS nor FRIDAY. Natasha didn't need them because her soul was capable of controlling the energy it took as its own due to her affinity towards it.

That's why Natasha made her own guess as to why this happened.

"I should probably keep this tidbit from Tony." Natasha quipped to herself before chuckling, "He would definitely think he rocked my world enough for it to affect even my mind."

Which could have had more truth to it than she allowed herself to admit. But for now, Natasha decided to follow the instincts she acquired due to her early training and started to comb through the room, trying to learn everything she could about it.

After she was done with the room, Natasha moved towards the door and opened them, expecting the rest of their apartment... only to be surprised when an expanse of a volatile crimson torrent of energy greeted her sight.

Not even a drop of it spilled into the room through the open door but despite that, Natasha knew the energy was very destructive. Yet, she felt comfortable as it caressed her hand that was stuck out due to opening the door.

As Natasha was admiring the mesmerizing energy she felt drawn to, her musing was abruptly interrupted when...

"How... curious." A nonchalant male voice resounded from behind Natasha, the last word said as if its owner was tasting it on his tongue.

Natasha abruptly turned around when she heard the unknown voice and instantly noticed an aristocratic-looking man with a wildly-styled deep crimson mane of hair reaching past his shoulders, staring at her with his deep crimson eyes as if she was some kind of rare animal in a zoo while he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Who are you?" Natasha warily asked, preparing to defend herself, yet, feeling utterly helpless.

Tony had explained to her why he would be relocating their minds into the middle of their souls. He also explained that any being capable of invading it afterward would be massively out of their current league.

It was not Thanos level bad. No, no, no. Thanos would be just a mere ant in front of that kind of being.

That's why seeing this visitor of hers, Natasha could not muster a welcoming feeling for him.

"For the first time in my existence, I find myself... baffled." The man looked at Natasha with unmistakable glee, as if he just found something extremely interesting, while he also completely ignored her question.

The man slowly stood up, "I am lending my power to many individuals, you see. Through bloodlines, through objects, through multiple other means. All share my power and I am giving it willingly, fully aware that only destruction could follow whenever my power is used."

Natasha did not like how he kept studying her with his eyes, yet, she could do nothing. This was her mind. She had nowhere to run.

Doing what she knew best, she forcefully calmed herself down and walked towards the chair near a desk, turned it around, and sat in it. Fight nor flight was not an option. So... negotiation it was.

"Imagine my surprise," The man completely ignored that Natasha seated herself, and continued ranting. Now, though, he started walking from side to side, "when I felt the exact same type of power as mine... yet, it didn't belong to me." He turned towards Natasha and stared at her as if trying to uncover her secrets.

"Ah." Natasha understood what was going on, and her back became drenched with sweat. Despite the abrupt surge of fear she felt, she kept her perfect poker face on and silently faced the man. "You are a dimensional lord."

The man smirked at her, "Not exactly but let's go with that." He shrugged.

Natasha frowned at his answer, causing the man's smirk to widen. He was definitely enjoying talking in riddles.

The dimensional lords Natasha knew about could not freely leave their dimensions like this so it gave sense he was not the 'same' as them. That only made him much more dangerous in Natasha's opinion. She still had no idea what he wanted from her and it wasn't a good feeling.

"Why exactly are you here?" Natasha decided to bluntly ask. She could have danced around the topic and tried to trick him into revealing his reasons... but it wasn't worth the effort.

If the man wanted her dead, he had the best opportunity when she was looking out of the door. Even now she had no doubt he could easily overpower her despite being in her mind. He didn't appear angry or anything like that and she realized the man was not hostile... but that didn't make him any more trustworthy in Natasha's opinion.

Hearing her question, the man tilted his head, "I just came to greet my new... sister."

Natasha's jaw dropped a bit at that. "What?"

The man chuckled at that. "Well, it's not every day the world gains another Incarnation of Destruction, is it? You can't blame me for being curious."