Brock's POV:-

So, Ash is going to marry Serena. I think I should to talk to him.

Oh, I forget that Ash has changed his number better talk to him a bit later. Maybe he will be busy with his stuffs.

Ash's POV:-

Uhhhh....... I am really confused what to buy for Serena. Should I ask mom??? No no no I cannot tell mom about this.

I think I should take help from Misty. She will surely help me...

Mommm..... I am going to Cerulean City for some work I will be back till night. I yelled

Okay honey! But be home before it gets too late. Mom said

Okay! I said and ran toward Cerulean City.

----Time Skip----

Whoa! Cerulean City is completely changed. Am I right buddy?? I asked from Pikachu

Pika (Yes).Pikachu said

Soon we were at the entrance of Cerulean Gym. It has not changed. I hope they all remember how I look.

I pressed the bell. I can hear someone was yelling comingggggg. I think she was Misty.

Suddenly doors opened it was Misty standing in front of me. I wanted to hug her.

Uh... Who are you?? Gym is closed so come tomorrow to challenge leader. Misty said

I don't know why but after hearing such question from her break my heart.

Misty's POV:-

I think I know this guy. Raven haired, Pikachu, Cap, Jacket. Is he Ash?

Mist! He said

A... Ash. That's you? I asked then suddenly Pikachu jumped on me.

Hey pikapal!! How are you??? I asked

Pikachupi pi pi pika pika chu (Misty I am fine)

Mist Do you forget me??? He asked

I was embarrassed by the nickname but I was angry also. Without thinking anything I punched him on his face.

My punch directly hit on his nose and his nose start bleeding. I want to say sorry to him but I do not say. I looked at Pikachu. He seems to be angry but he do not give shock to me I think he also know the reason behind the punch.

Pikapi pi ka chu (Are you okay?) Pikachu said

Yes I am okay buddy. Ash said

What was that Mist? He asked

Do not dare to call me with that nickname. You have lost the right to call me with nicknames. I yelled

But why??? Ash asked

You promised me be in contact but you never contacted me even after you become Pokémon Master. I always waited for your call then suddenly a letter came about your marriage. I yelled

Mist let me explain. He begged

I said do not call me with nicknames. I yelled and punched on his stomach

He was in pain but did not say anything to me.

Just get out of here. I yelled and punched him again on his stomach

Ash's POV:-

I know I have hurt her. She had right to hit me. I made that promise I broke it.

I saw Pikachu who was angry but I said no to him. I don't know but her each word was hurting more than her punch. I know that I hurt her but in that way I never expected.

Please give me a chance Misty. I begged

No I have given you so many chances but now no more. She yelled and she slapped me

Okay! But can you please give me a glass of water. I begged

No I am not going to give you anything. She yelled

Not for me I am asking for Pikachu. He seems to be thirsty. I begged again

Okay I am giving because of Pikapal. She said but in soft tone

When she went inside I started cleaning my blood with a handkerchief.

Gosh! She punched me hard. I thought.

She came back with a First Aid box and a glass of water. She gave water to Pikachu and started cleaning my blood with cotton. I can hear her sobbing.

Are you crying Misty??? I asked

S... Sorry I hurt you so badly. I do not want to do so. But I was angry on you. She said between her sobbing.

I know I hurt you too. I am also sorry for not contacting you. I said

She had cleaned my blood and asked the reason for coming here.

I don't say anything because I don't want to hurt her again.

I wanted to meet you. I said but I don't know but my heat was completely broken.

Is my decision to marry Serena wrong? I thought

I think we should go it is getting dark. I said to Pikachu

He nodded in agreement.

Bye Misty I have to go. Mom would be worried about us. I said in a low tone

Okay. She said while she was still sobbing

When I saw her tears my soul was broken. I just wanted to kill myself.

I don't say anything. I just leave from there.

Pikachu what do you think is my decision of marrying Serena is wrong?? I asked from Pikachu

Pi ka chu (I don't know) he said

Misty's POV:-

He was here instead of confessing my love I hurt him. I thought

I do not think he will ever forgive me.

Maybe he was here to convince his love but I hurt him so badly.

I started crying but after come time tears were not coming from my eyes. I want to rewind the time and confess my love to him.

Gary's POV:-

I think he is Ash I must meet him. I thought

Hey Ashy-boy! What are you doing here? I asked

Oh! Hey Gary I came here for shopping but I was not able to decide what to buy. By the way what are you doing here? Ash said

Oh! I came here to do some research on Pokémon. I said

Then I suddenly noticed hit mark and some blood on his nose. The viscosity of blood showed that the hurt was new and he had some problem in walking. His hands were rubbing his stomach and cheeks.

What happen to you? Have met some accident or something else? I asked

Oh no I thought to meet Misty but I accidently crashed with gym door. He said

What happened in your stomach and on your cheeks? I asked

I fell from stairs in morning that is hurting and there was a side effect of something on my cheeks. He said

Pikachupi pika pi ka chu (All hits are from Misty) Pikachu said

So all the hits are from Misty? I asked

How can you understand Pikachu? He asked

You forget that I am a Pokémon Researcher. I can understand languages of Pokémon. Now answer my question. I said

Yeah I tell lie to you all hits are from Misty. He said

What happened between you two? I asked but when he said Misty it seems like his heart and soul both are broken.

Better not to talk about that. He said

His words clarified that his heart and soul both were totally broken.

I am going to my lab so talk to you later. I said to Ash and leave him

Okay talk to you tomorrow. He said

Pikachu (Bye)

Bye. I yelled and I ran away from there.

I think I must talk to Misty. I know she loves Ash then instead of confessing she hurt him so badly

I thought to follow Ash.

He stopped at a place and began to cry. He was crying badly and Pikachu was patting his head.

Then I remembered that Misty saved Ash from drowning here. It clarifies me that Ash also has some feelings for Misty. But he is not able understand his feelings.

Suggestions are accepted but only in message section, so feel free to message me about suggestion. Each suggestion is accepted by me.