Previously on the forced marriage:
"I am so sorry. I am just a huge fan of the avengers, I mean have you seen Chris Hemsworth? That guy is amazing like they had every right to make him the god of thunder." She kept blabbing about how hot he is so I decided to tease him.
"So you think that he is hotter than me?" I teased her with a smirk plastered on my face, that question caught her off guard.
"What?" She asked.
"I said, you think that he is hotter than me?" I repeated the question but with a serious tone this time.
"Noah, you are another level of hotness." She answered me and this time I was the one caught off guard.
Lorelai's POV:
I know that he heard me the first time so I wasn't going to repeat my answer again, plus I was serious when I said that. I mean yes they aren't on the same level of hotness but hello have you seen this guy? His eyes are hazel/green like you can literally melt in them.
"You heard me the first time, I ain't repeating the question again," I replied. He cleared his throat then he looked away, OMG, he's blushing, I made Noah blush, guess I need a reward for that.
"Are you blushing?" I teased him, he shook his head as in no, he wasn't even looking at me.
"Oh my god, you are, this is so amazing, how does it feel to be teased huh?" I chuckled.
"We're here." That was all he said, he was avoiding my gaze, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That is what you get for messing with Lorelai. I am not going to lie, part of me was happy to know that he actually cares about me, or even liked me, could he like me? I didn't feel myself at all until I heard Noah's voice telling the guy that he wants 2 tickets for the avengers endgame, wow what gentleman, paying for my ticket?
"You didn't have to." I started talking.
"Didn't have to what?" He asked looking at me, god his eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life.
"Pay for my ticket," I replied seriously, I can pay for myself, not that I am mad that I saved the money for the ticket which is like 10 dollars but whatever.
"What kind of guy takes a beautiful lady for a date for the first time and lets her pay for her movie ticket? Plus this isn't going to be the last time that I pay for stuff just for you." He looked me in the eyes and smiled, okay my knees are turning into jelly because of that smile. But one thing that I didn't understand was his telling me that he will pay for more stuff for me.
"Oh, you mean when you take me on other dates?" I asked.
"Yeah, but not only that, I mean we are going to get married right? So what type of husband will I be if I let you pay for the house stuff." He said, I looked down but he lifted my chin up with his index finger making my crystal blue eyes meet with his green/hazel ones. Anyways, he also insisted on paying for the drinks and for the snacks, I mean that was a whole different Noah that I was with really. I laughed my ass off during the first part of the movie, then came the huge surprise with Natasha's death LIKE WHY GOD WHY! Then after that I laughed at some other comments but then Tony's death came and I couldn't stop myself from crying, IRON MAN IS DEAD WHY LIKE REALLY, HE IS A HERO. The movie was over then before we went out of the theatre Charlie stopped walking so I did too.
"I need to tell you something." He mumbled, oh god, he is going to tell me that this is the worst date ever.
"Yeah sure, what's wrong?" My voice was hesitant.
"I hope what I am about to say doesn't affect us, and I will understand if you say that I am moving way too fast but I am in love with you." He looked like he got a huge weight off his shoulder after saying that. Wait, HE LOVES ME!