Don't stab me, bro


Tutorial Dungeon, Dungeon Space

2021-10-18 07:00 am Eastern Standard


As the kobolds approached with an intent to terminate him with extreme prejudice, James looked them over. He pulled out his tactical semi-auto pistol, though he was not sure how much use he could make of it covered in this heavy net. These kobolds were very short and scrawny for their race, even more so than normal. He thinks "perhaps they are not fully grown yet? yes, according to what I know about kobolds, these appear to be adolescents. The definitely seem hostile, though."

He said to the kobolds, in draconic, "calm down, calm down, some of us are willing to talk. I am willing to talk." He gestured at them with a calming motion, hoping that his actions would match with his words.

The kobolds look surprised. Brink spoke first, in shock. "Nestmate, this scaleless creature stuck in a net is speaking to us."

Lirha also looked quite shocked. "And he knows the tongue of our ancestors." She looked suspicious, and poked at James with her spear. "Who are you and why have you come?" she asked, unsure of what response to expect.

"My name... is Mysterious Mink, and, well, I am here to get some information." James replies.

Nebula, his AI, speaks to James's mind. 'If you use the [Inspect] action on them now, you should get some more information, depending on how much you know about kobolds.'

James followed through and inspected the kobolds.


Brink - Kobold adolescent ???, Small humanoid (reptilian, clone)

Init ???; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception ??

DEFENSE - ???, Weaknesses light sensitivity

OFFENSE - Speed ??? ft.

Melee spear ???

Ranged sling ???


Languages - Draconic, ???

SPECIAL ABILITIES - Crafty (Ex) - Engineering and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.


Lihra's stats were much the same.

James considered his response, then continued speaking to the small kobolds in Draconic. "I am here to get some data from the computer of this starship. I don't wish you any harm."

Lirha looked suspiciously at James. "Why you have weapon then?"

James responded, "well, I was walking into an unknown area with unknown threats. Wouldn't you have a weapon?"

Brink nodded. "That makes sense. We have weapons because of nasty portallers like you who come to murder and steal."

James was confused. "Portaller? As in... someone who came from a portal?"

Lirha nodded, responding to James. "Yes, nasty creatures sent by the Galactic Mutuality to murder us and punish Elder. Elder says that all that come in the door are evil, even other kobolds."

Brink nods. "He also says that they will start attacking us as soon as they see us, and that few should understand the secret language."

James looks at Brink. "By secret language, do you mean draconic?" he asks. This causes the two kobolds to stiffen up and become more vigilant.

"How do you know the name of the secret language?" Lirha asks, menacingly as any two-and a half foot lizard person with a wooden spear can.

James looked at Lirha. "Well, I have read of your race in... the legends and tales of my people."

"Truly?" she asks

"Yes, Truly." James says, nodding.

Lirha thought hard. "If you will give us your weapons, we will take you to the chief. The chief will know what to do." She pointed at his tactical semi-auto pistol.

James looked at her, and decided to take a risk. "Ok, I will trust you." He unloaded his pistol and put it in his backpack, then placed his backpack on the floor. "Take the pistol and my backpack. All I have left at this point is my underwear."

Brink took the backpack, then poked James from behind with a spear. "You, go in net. I follow with your things, and I will kill you if you do something bad."

James nodded. Lirha said "follow me" then started leading James through the ship. As they walked down what looked like a blocked corridor, Lirha twisted a bit on an inconspicuous piece of a broken cargo container. A hidden door, sized for kobolds, opened, and she went through. James followed, bending down to fit through the door. The net that enveloped James got caught on the rough edges, and Brink hissed at him, but then used his spear to pry the net off of the edge where it was stuck.

The hallway past the debris looked worn but clean, and gave him a better view of what kind of ship he was in. There was a long hallway, about as long as a football field, with one hatch about half way down on the right, and another at the far end of the hallway. Looking at the decor, this was probably a mantinence tunnel of some kind. As he looked around, he used [Inspect] on the ship around it.He determined it was a type of small cargo ship - small being relative, of course. They took him to the door half-way down, opened it, then led him into the center of the ship.

He could see stacks of cargo containers, roughly analogous to the cargo containers used on terrestrial cargo ships. there were six on each side of the corridor, and he estimated that they could be stacked up to 5 high and still fit in the hull. However, rather than being in orderly stacks, the containers appeared to have been dropped like pickup sticks, some of them smashing through the alloy walls of the spaceship. Lirha opened the doors to one of the containers, and James followed her into it. The container seems to have fallen at an angle, and was a natural ramp down into a lower level.