At the Grand Hall Marilyn Highschool
Cherry:"Oop!theres just two of us,lets go"*chuckle*
Rose:"Yes,it is"
We both walk out from the hall and walk to go to the Cafeteria. I laughed all the way bcuz of Cherry sillyness.Cherry always make me laugh.Cherry suddenly running leave me alone and i be like:Whats wrong?
I quickly look at Cherry direction
(Oh...) No wonder,Cherry go say hi to her boyfriend Dean.
Rose:"Cherry!!!"*wave hand*"Eeeekkkk i though i gonna leave you alone but what happenned now?"
Cherry chuckle
Cherry:"Come here!!!Dean have a plan for us!"
Cherry keep yellin in the hallway like a idiot make me running to her.(Stop yelling Cherry=_=!!!)
Cherry:"Rose!!!watch out!!!"
I stopped 0_0
Cherry and Dean stare at me coldly.
Suddenly Cherry smile sinisfully.
Cherry:*laugh heavyly*AHAHAHAHA!!!I told you,babe.Rose are so clumsy!!"
Dean:*laugh too*
Wait whuut?They just fooled me?Eeek that two brat!!! I (again) running toward them,angryly.Cherry show a panic face same as Dean and then again,Cherry yelled:
Cherry:"Rose!!!WATCH OUT!!!"
No,i smirk to mysel(Not this time,Cherry)
Ouch....i just bump into someone,my eye blurry and i saw a cold hazel eye...
even his breath is cold...
Red hair...
Rose:*try to reach his hand to stand up*uhhhhh help?
I give my hand hoping that he could help me stand up.
???:*brushed my hand away rudely*Tch,uh.
(So rude)
i glare him in dizziness and try to stand up by myself with depending on the mop rod.
because it is slippery,The mop fell.
(Bump!!!) butt...
He glare at me and walk pass by me ignoring me.
Cherry and Dean quickly run toward me with panic face.
she turned the mop with concern
Cherry:"fuh,i glad this mop are still ok."
Rose:"wait,whuuut you think about the mop first,Dont you see me in pain?Oh god,seriously?"
Cherry chuckled
She help me get up
Cherry:"Are you allright?"
Rose:"Im allright"
i managed to stand up.
i looked at Cherry and Dean,staring them
Rose:"how could you two just watch me fall like that?you two should help me up!"
Cherry:"Sorry Rose*hold my hand*
"When we saw you bump to Felix,we both freezed"
Dean:"Yes,he look scary"
I just shook my head.
Rose:"who that selfish guy?"
Cherry:"Felix,his name is Felix"
Cherry stare at me fishyly
Cherry:"attracted?i know he's hot"*wink*
I laughed
Rose:"uhhh stop with your NONSENSE talk"
Cherry:*laugh*"It make a SENSE you attracted
with him,girl"
Rose:"yeah,yeah whatever"
I saw a wallet.I take it and opened
(hmmm,money,school id,adress and whuut?
Felix Deanwood ?that cold guy wallet?)
Cherry:"Aha!you even stole his wallet!!?*wink*"
Rose:"no!he dropped his wallet!go clean your
Dean just laughed.
Dean:"you should give his wallet back"
Cherry:"And be friends
Dean:"a close friends"
Cherry:"And date!"*winkwink*
They both burst into laugh
They both a great couple,same head in trolling
Felix Deanwood hmm....
{End Chapter 2}
p/s hopefully you guys have a nice day^^