Chapter 3 - The kidnapping

Kaj was silent for a few minutes, but Blake wanted to know the continuation of his story and pretended not to see the tears running down the boy's cheeks.

«But?» Blake asked anxiously.

Kaj continued the story of that sad memory.

«… But an unexpected event destroyed all my hopes at once. The fishing sacred event was celebrated in Palawan and all the inhabitants of the coasts left on pilgrimage to Mount Amales, on the top of which there is a tree consecrated to the god of the Malaysians and where you can see the imprint of a gigantic foot, which has been left by he.»

«We sailors also know this ancient Malay legend» said Blake smiling, because he did not believe all the stories he had heard on his sea voyages.

«Liling's father» continued the pearl fisherman «a fervent religious, had asked me for permission to bring Liling to the celebrations, so that she could attend the great procession and receive the blessing of the god, and I had granted it to him, not foreseeing that it would have been fatal because the beloved of my heart would have been kidnapped».

«Who did kidnap her? How could that happen?» The former officer was surprised.

«Yes, Mr. Blake. During the celebration, his father wanted to follow the pilgrims who went to visit the famous sacred tree, which according to ancient traditions a hurricane carried to the top of the mountain from distant countries. In that place there is a temple where the ancient sages of Palawan rest who deserved to be buried in that sacred place, inhabited by priests and priestesses who are chosen among the most beautiful girls. To procure those girls, the followers of the temple wait for the day in which it is led in procession, then sneak among the spectators and kidnap the most beautiful girls, to be destined to become the wives of the god».

«So Liling was kidnapped by these clerics» Blake sighed.

«Nobody can resist them, neither the kidnapped girls, nor the relatives and no protest could save them. Once kidnapped by those monks they are lost. On the other hand, relatives are honored that their daughters go to serve the god, believing they are securing heavens protection.»

«So her beauty was fatal to her, my poor Kaj.»

Four or five followers threw themselves on my future wife, dragging her towards a wagon where other future wives of the god were already in, and by evening she was a prisoner in the temple. His father, frightened by the horrible punishments that the priests threatened him in this and the other life, had to give his consent.

«So her father couldn't do anything for her.»

«It was impossible. When he returned to the coast to inform me of what had happened, he was no more than a shadow of himself, so much was his pain in being deprived of his only daughter whom he loved madly, and so much did he suffer to have to present himself to me with that terrible news. Three days later he died of a broken heart and I almost lost my mind».

Kaj got up to drink some water, but first handed it to Blake, who swallowed it quickly. Their clothes were soaked with sweat and already they feared they would have to stay in there for a night or more, that coulb be to die.

«I fell ill and stayed several days between life and death» Kaj wiped his tears in anger «As soon as I recovered I left for the temple, ready to snatch my Liling from those monks. In fact, one night, while a furious storm was raging on the mountain, I managed to enter the temple and find my beloved.»

Blake was leaning against the wall, chasing the midges from his face, which come in swarms at sunset, causing infections from their stings. He urged the young man to continue his story.

«Believing that no one had seen me, I took her out of the temple, where two fast horses were waiting for us. Unfortunately one of the other girls shouted giving the alarm. Unless it is said, I saw a dozen monks swoop on me, and they tore the girl from me by force. Blind with rage, I pulled my pearl diver's knife from my sash. I hit two or three times, wildly, killing one, but was soon knocked down, disarmed and tied up. After a few days of imprisonment in a dark cell and only with water, they handed me over to the authorities for killing a priest and injuring two others.»

Aware now of the situation and the penalties affecting those who offended the monks, the former officer shook his head, ending the incident:

«I guess any defense was useless, that is why they sentenced you to twelve years in prison and led you to this hell, sure that you would not have passed even half the sentence and would have died first» Blake, who had listened to him without interrupting placed a hand on the shoulder of the poor young man, who had collapsed and wept silently, saying to him in a sweet voice:

«We will flee Kaj and go to free your girl.»

«It will be a difficult undertaking, sir» replied the pearl fisherman in a broken voice «I should first recover the red pearl».

«But what is that pearl? And what does it have to do with this story?»

Kaj was about to answer when heavy footsteps approached at the end of the corridor.

«The guardians!» whispered the former officer «Bad sign».

At that moment the door opened and three overseers led by a sergeant, all armed with rifles with bayonets, entered the cell. From the severe appearance and frowning face of the sergeant, the two convicts immediately understood that there was no good air for them and that punching match must not have stopped at the fall of One eye.

«Take that man!» the boss said, pointing to Kaj.

«Where do you want to take me?» the young man asked, in a quiet voice and looking at the four guardians as they pulled him by the coat.

«To make you taste the delights of the whip.» replied the boss «Twenty-five strokes that will caress your back, and teach you to respect your fellow workers. Did you think I came to get you to offer you a dinner?».

«This is the lesson for those who strike spies» the former Golden Hind officer added with irony «Spies are sacred people here!».

«Shut up you!» shouted the leader, «And be glad you don't feel the same treatment too».

«And will One-eye keep me company at least?» Kaj asked, as who showed no apprehension at the terrible sentence that had been inflicted on him, but sure that the spy would be spared the whip.

«Don't worry about prisoner 304.» the guard pushed him forward along the corridor.

«Yes, because he is a protege of the director in his capacity as a spy.»

«That's enough!» shouted the leader, threateningly raising his fist «Quick, tie up this poorly painted parrot».

The young man, hearing those words, freed himself from the hands of the guardians, sending a scream of fury.

«Know, Sergeant, that the man you called a parrot is a descendant of the rajahs, those rajahs who gave so many terrible lessons to your compatriots before they were killed.»

«But now you are only a convict.»

«Prisoner almost innocent. If I killed it was in my right.»

«Yes, everyone says so; always innocent��, said the chief with a grin «Quick!».

The three guardians detached the chains attached to the rings of the plank and freed the legs of the young pearl fisherman, who was immediately on his feet with a leap.

«Here I am!» he said, «But I swear that if that damned One-eyed guy doesn't share my pain, as soon as I get back on my feet I'll kill him».

«And we will hang you», replied the sergeant «so we will have two less villains to watch and two fewer mouths to feed. Forward, on the way!».

«And me?» Blake asked, as he winked at the young man.

«You will stay here for eight days.» answered the boss laughing «It is a rest that will not spoil your bones».

«I am sick and I will not be able to resist. On the contrary, since yesterday I wanted to apply for a visit to the infirmary. I'm afraid of being seized by malaria».

«Blake, You will deal with the doctor if he has time to come and see you, and now shut up!»

«Please warn him. I have an incessant tremor and a fever that doesn't leave me for a moment. I'm your compatriot, after all.»

The sergeant shrugged and went out muttering:

«When it arrives. Now he is hunting.»

And he closed the door with a clatter, sliding the big bolts.

«Rogues» murmured the former officer, when he was alone «They spare the spy and torture that poor boy. We have to go away, we have to pay for our freedom with our lives, otherwise Kaj will at one time or another make a mistake against that dog of One-eye and get hanged. No, that man who possesses extraordinary strength must not die. He is too necessary to me and the time has come to try to escape. The steamboat will be at our disposal. If we delayed another month, the typhoons and the monsoon would prevent us from venturing out to sea with any chance of success».

From outside came Kaj's cries in response to the stabbing whiplash.

«Kaj will soon be in the infirmary with a bloody back: and the other will be there too. I have to reach him».

Blake tried to pull himself up to the grate overlooking the courtyard, as far as the length of the chain would allow, and listened. Not hearing the slightest noise, he opened his shirt and from a leather belt that tightened his torso he carefully removed a box of coconut fibers, containing eight cigarettes and some matches.

He watched them carefully, touching them several times, then said:

«They are perfectly dry and will be allowed to smoke. Me with malaria, the driver with swollen cheeks, Kaj with a bad back. Who will suspect that three men reduced to this state are thinking of fleeing? As long as they don't uncover the cylinder of the car in the meantime! In that case all would be lost».

He lit a cigarette and began to smoke it hastily, then lit another and continued until he had consumed most of them. He had just finished the last one, when he was seized with violent vomits.

«Here is the malaria coming.» he said, forcing himself don't smile «In a few minutes my body will turn yellow like that of a real patient and the game will be done!».