Chapter 5 - The sospicions of One-eye

Five days later, Jody, whose cheeks had now deflated, left the infirmary to resume his work in the penitentiary's steamboat. The soul of the escape was Blake, because without him it would have been madness to venture across the Indian Ocean, a danger that only a seaman can face.

Jody had pretended to get well earlier, finish the final preparations and increase the supply of food, not to be seized by hunger in the open ocean.

Towards sunset he could go fishing for the large crustaceans, numerous on those rocks. He had resumed his habits, waiting for Kaj to get better. With many precautions he had managed to steal food from the warehouse, where he had free access: half a crate of biscuits, dried fish and legumes.

On the evening of the third day, as he was returning from the sea and laboriously pushing the lifeboat, he was surprised to see One-eye sitting on the beach.

The tiger'eye stone of his iris reflected the last rays of the sun, increasing his evil aspect.

«Good evening, Jody, what good did you catch along the reef?»

«A nice crab for the director» replied the engineer.

«You are a lucky fisherman. I never manage to get one along the beach, while I like them so much.»

«They don't show up here, they prefer to walk on those cliffs.»

«Take me with you one evening, I want to see how you do it.»

«It takes a glance and a quick hand.»

«Teach me then and take me with you tomorrow night.»

«You're not allowed to go fishing, and I don't want to have a problem with the governor. He would be able to send me to the cell with a double chain.»

«Don't worry about it. Nobody will bother you.»

Jody looked at him with some fear. That insistence was beginning to put thorns in his mind. He thought that One-eye had suspected something. Then, raising his voice, he said:

«If you like that, and you make sure no one will comment on me, come on. Tomorrow evening I'll wait for you here, before sunset».

«You are a good boy» replied One-eye.

«Where do you work tomorrow?» Jody asked.

«Nowhere. They gave me two days of rest because I have a fever.»

«I believe you were born under a lucky star, and that no one is luckier than you. Did you bring any talismans from Ceylon?»

«Yes, a sacred stone, a tiger's eye» he indicated his glass eye with the stone at the centre «Good night Jody, see you tomorrow night» he turned his back and went towards one of the sheds, where the convicts from the construction sites were already entering for the evening roll-out.

Jody instead remained on the beach, with one foot on the edge of the lifeboat he had tied to a pole, following the spy with his eyes.

«Are not the crabs that prompted him to ask me to take him to the reef.» he thought «Is Blake right to doubt that rascal? Did the trips I take to the cliff every night have alarmed him? We must hurry to leave, tomorrow evening we must try the shot».

He took the monstrous crab he had caught on the reef, very heavy, and went to deliver it to one of the guardians of the governor's house, then inquired who was on duty that night in the infirmary.

«Foster» he heard himself reply.

«Foster?» he said to himself «He is a lover of liquor and will not refuse to empty half a bottle with me».

He went to his hut, built behind the governor's house, stuffed a couple of glasses and a bottle of gin into his pockets, then walked to the infirmary, where he arrived undisturbed.

Foster was an ugly Irishman, with a forest of red hair and a big nose typical of drinkers.

«Oh, Jody» said the warden, seeing him arrive «Are you already back from the infirmary?».

«I have no intention of going to cook under the sheets, I prefer to run on the sea and breathe the fresh breeze.»

«Why do you come here, then?»

«I wanted to give those two poor devils in the infirmary a taste of the governor's gin. This will restore them more strength than all the doctor's medicines. Don't you think so, Mr. Foster?»

«Medicines! Here, in Ireland, the sick are healed with good gin or brandy, and if you could see how they jump after a hangover! Medicines! They don't know each other in our country. But, young man, will I have to sit here with my mouth dry while the others drink? You know that the Irish are always thirsty!»

«I'm not such a bad boy that I haven't thought of you too, Mr. Foster. A glass is enough for the sick; the rest is for you.»

The Irishman's eyes were fixed on the bottle that Jody had taken from his pocket.»

«Give me a sip, my good Jody.»

«Ten, twenty sips, Mr. Foster. Let me fill these two glasses, the rest is for you.»

«And you?»

«Bah! I don't care about liquor» Jody replied.

«You'll never know how to appreciate the happiness of a good hangover, I'm sorry for you. Give me the bottle, so you taste».

Jody, who was laughing in his heart, filled the two glasses, then passed the bottle to the Irishman who immediately brought it to his lips.

«Harrah! That's great stuff! Of course it belongs to the governor. If I could put only one foot in his cellar, I would be the happiest man in the world.»

«So will you allow me to bring these two glasses to the two sick people?»

«Go, my son. You are a great good boy.»

Jody went into the infirmary and closed the door as a precaution, although he was sure the Irishman would not disturb him as long as there was gin in the bottle.

A smoky oil lamp illuminated the room. Blake and Kaj had not yet fallen asleep and seeing Jody enter they sensed that something serious had happened.

«Are you bringing us some bad news Jody?» Blake asked, who had turned pale despite trying to be calm.

«It could be a simple whim of One-eye, but I advise you to get ready for tomorrow evening, between ten and midnight.»

«To escape?»

«Softly, Mr. Blake. It is true that Foster is too busy emptying his bottle of gin right now, but better be careful. There can always be ears ready to pick up our words.»

In a few words he informed them of the proposal made by One-eyed man.

«Did he see you stealing food from the warehouse?» Blake asked.

«It's impossible» replied Jody «He must have some suspicions for begging me to take him to crab on the reef».

«It seems to me too» Kaj observed.

«That's worse than a cobra snake, Mr. Blake. If I had refused to take him I would have increased his suspicions.»

«True, you did well not to be hostile. He is pondering something against us and must have known something of our plans, it is necessary to be decisive. If we don't flee tomorrow night we will end up being discovered and so goodbye hopes. With the double chain on you never run away.

«Tomorrow evening ... I am ready, because I laugh at the fake malaria, but will Kaj be able to?».

«My wounds haven't healed yet, but I'm strong enough to get up, to drop out the window and to kill that One-eyed dog, with one punch if he tries to resist our escape.»

«You have the saw for the bars, Mr. Blake, I hid it in the mattress, you won't make the slightest noise.»

«As long as we're not surprised at the coolest by the supervisor, who is standing guard in the corridor» Kaj said.

«I'll ask Foster to take the fourth and I'll take it upon myself to get him drunk. When he has a bottle in his hands he no longer moves, until it is empty».

«And the sentries?»

«There are only two and they will drink too. Drop down on the side of the warehouse and follow the path leading to the dock. See you tomorrow, between eleven and midnight.»

«Where will you be?» Blake asked.

«From the sentries, with a couple of bottles. The guards will not refuse to drink and while I keep them busy, you will flee and hide in the lifeboat. I will first fill the oven with ropes well soaked in oil and grease, so we will immediately have the necessary pressure. Good evening and trust me.»

«One more word» said the former officer «Don't go with the unarmed One-eye».

«I'll have a good knife in my pocket and if he tries to find our little deposit, I'll kill him without mercy» answered Jody resolutely.

The engineer, who did not want to arouse suspicion in the attendant, opened the door and walked into the corridor. The Irishman was seated at a small table, with his elbows propped up and his head in his hands, in adoration of the square bottle, which must no longer contain even a drop of liquor.

«I've kept myself waiting a little too long, is that true, Mr. Foster?»

The Irishman raised his head, looking at him with dead eyes, and smiled blissfully, muttering.

«Excellent… excellent. Jody ... you're a good boy ... you have a wide heart ... you ... son.»

«Yes, the governor's gin is exquisite. I'll have another one of those bottles tomorrow too. I have discovered a certain place where sea crabs congregate in large numbers and I plan to bring no less than five or six to the governor tomorrow evening».

«And will he give you ... another bottle?»

«He's always generous to me, the governor.»

«And will you invite me to drink it?»

«I will offer it to you as tonight, as long as you allow me to give the two sick people a glass of it and you are here on guard.»

The Irishman looked at him with wet eyes.

«Good boy ... excellent heart ... my good friend ... fine gentleman ...»

«Unfortunately you are not the governor.» Jody said laughing «So you will be here tomorrow evening?».

«Would you like me to give up that ... that ... sweet nectar?»

«You will have the bottle. Good evening, Mr. Foster.»

«Goodbye, good boy ... my sweet ... friend ... heart of gold.»

«And a very fine fox» Jody murmured moving away quickly «That bottle will cost you a month in prison, triple fool.»

He left the building to go to his hut; but he had barely taken a few steps when he saw a human shadow break away from the wall and slip silently into the middle of a thick patch of dammar at the end of the avenue that led to the pier.

«They spy on me, it can only be One-eye»

He rummaged in his pockets, took his knife and dashed towards the avenue, hoping to surprise the spy. He found no one and went back.

«If I didn't fear compromising myself and ruining the escape, I'd kill him. Mind you, One-eye! You might not come back alive from the cliff and end up among the sea crabs!»