Chapter 19 - One-eye returns to the scene

The three castaways had overcome so many dangers, they were on board a sailing ship with the characteristic shapes of all Burmese ships, with a very sharp and raised tip.

The commander, a nice-looking old Burmese man, wore brightly colored floral cloth robes. As soon as he saw the three castaways and saw that there was a white man among them, he took them to his cabin and offered them three large cups full of excellent arak.

«Drink now, it will do you good after a long bath.»

Then he tapped on a small gong, shouting:

«Dinner for these gentlemen.»

The three convicts, surprised by that hospitable welcome. After thanking him, drank that delicious liqueur in one gulp. They really needed it.

The cook came in carrying biscuits, a bowl of boiled rice seasoned with spicy sauces and fish, traditional food of the Burmese sailors, cooked vegetables, a luxury dish, tea and pipes.

Blake, while devouring the food, told him that they were three sailors of an English ship, capsized during a formidable storm, on their way to the island of Ceylon and were the only survivors.

The captain believed him and was moved by the painful sufferings, suffered by those three unfortunates.

«So you were headed for Colombo?»


«It's my route.»

«I thought so,» said Blake, «seeing your ship sailing west».

«I have a shipment of indigo for that city; I'll be happy to take you there».

«If you dont mind, we will disembark in Manaar.» Blake asked «We have friends there who will help us, having lost everything in the shipwreck».

«Having to go through the Straits of Manaar, I can leave you there! Now go and rest. You are my guests.»

He led them into a small room, where there were cots.

He had just come on deck when he found himself in front of two men who seemed to be waiting for him. One was a robust white man with a mass of red hair and wearing the uniform of English prison overseers. The other looked like an Indian with enormous arms and was devoid of one eye.

Both immediately hit the captain with a series of insolence:

«Stupid. Idiot! You should have let them drown! At least our mission would be over and no one would come back to the surface».

«And we would have paid for their deaths!»

The captain looked at them in amazement.


«Those three men you foolishly saved are the ones we used to go looking for in the Ceylon fish ponds» said the man without the eye.

«The director of the penitentiary told you well that we were embarking to find those fugitives.» said the orher.

«Yes, he told me, but I'm not going into your business. I took you on board as passengers, because you paid and I undertook to take you to Ceylon, nothing else».

«Those castaways are the convicts we were supposed to take back.»

The captain shrugged.

«I repeat, its your business. I found those three starving men at sea and picked them up as any sailor would».

«And what are you going to do with them?» asked the red-haired white man.

«I will go down to Manaar, to the fish ponds.»

«I'll get you a prize if you get them tied up and give them to the governor of Colombo.»

The captain frowned.

«People of my race do not betray hospitality.» he said in a dry voice.

«Let us tie them up while they sleep.»

«I will never let you. You're on mine ship.»

«Youre right.» said the other «Well take them back as soon as they set foot on English territory, promise us not to warn them of our presence on board, if you dont want to have serious problems. The British government could confiscate your cargo as soon as it arrives in Colombo».

«I wont tell them anything.»

«Until the time of disembarkation we will remain hidden.»

«Is fine.»

«Where will you disembark the castaways?»

«In Manaar.»

«We will know how to find them.»

The pursed his lips and turned his back on them.

«It's the devil who sent them to us. You didn't believe in such luck, is it true One-eye?»

«I haven't recovered from the surprise yet!» he answered, since he was Kaj's rival. «I will have my revenge! I told the prison commander I'd find them».

«And I too will take revenge on that accursed one, who made me lose my mind with his gin!» the Irishman showed his anger "Damned fox! While he was running away I got stupidly drunk!».

«You will get your degrees and I my freedom. When we send them back to the penitentiary, then I'll take care of Liling. Two years in prison have not stifled the passion that burns in my heart. Mine or dead».

«Tell me, One-eye, how did you know they were headed there?»

«I've heard their talk.»

«And what are they going to do in the fish ponds?»

«To look for the red pearl, without which it will be impossible for Kaj to be able to free Liling.»

«But if we arrest them right away, how will you know where the pearl is? Kaj won't tell you.»

«He certainly won't disembark until he finds the pearl. When it is in our hand, I will take it from you. You know that the commander of the penitentiary has given me full powers, under your control it is true, and has allowed me to catch all three of them».

«Let them land at any point on the coast and I'll have them tied up immediately.» said the overseer. «I have in my pocket a letter from the commander for the Colombo police and I will have them stopped before they take refuge in the territory of the rajah of Candy. Now I would like to know where they had taken refuge to escape the searches»

«I suppose they remained hidden on some island.» One-eye answered.

«And what happened to their lifeboat?»

«It must have been sunk by some cyclone, Mr. Foster. Storms are frequent in these seas.»

The convict and the overseer joined each other like two old friends and went down to the forward room, where the sailors snored.

Blake and his companions, unaware of the grave danger. It was the first night after their escape from the penitentiary that they were resting on a cot.

When they got on deck, the captain made them serve a large breakfast, but did not mention the presence on board of the other two.

Before the sun set the crew finally sighted the northernmost tip of the great island of Ceylon. The next day the ship entered the vast channel of Manaar.

At ten o'clock in the evening the lighthouse of the island of Manaar was in sight and a few hours later the ship dropped anchor in the bay.

«Stay for this night yet» the captain told Blake, who was impatient to disembark. «Tell me if you have any trusted friends among pearl fishers».

«Why are you asking me this question?» Blake asked, a little surprised by the mysterious tone.

«I'll tell you tomorrow; for now I can't explain more.»

«Who do you think we are?» asked Blake who had a suspicion.

«For me, you are castaways whom I must protect as long as you are my guests. Answer, do you have any friends among the fishermen?»

«Yes» said Kaj, who was watching. «Almost everyone knows me here.»

«Then it is better that you get off in some fishing boat instead of ashore. The City of Pearls could offer you dangers in these moments. We are no longer sure there.»

«What happened in that city?» Kaj asked anxiously.

«Please don't question me for now. You don't have to fear from me. Go to sleep and when tomorrow I will give you some explanations that will be very precious».

They realized that it would be useless to insist, they went back to their cabin but could not sleep. When the cannon shot, fired from the nearby station, announced that the fishing boats were about to leave the City of Pearls to go to the banks of Manaar.

They got on deck and noticed the captain, sitting, chewing a piece of tobacco and four sailors putting one of the two lifeboats into the water.

«The fishing boats come out of the bay.» he said, while a boy carried cups full of steaming tea.

In fact, it was beginning to dawn, an infinite number of large sailing boats were slowly heading towards the high seas. Finding the ship almost at the entrance to the harbor, they had to pass in front of it.

«We thank you, captain, for your hospitality and for saving our lives, but explain to us the dark words of last night».

«Now that they are gone, no one prevents me from warning you of the danger that threatens you.»

He spat out the tobacco he was chewing, then continued:

«Eight days ago, forced by a raging storm, I had to seek refuge at Port-Cornwallis penitentiary.»

«To Port-Cornwallis!» exclaimed the others confused.

«The director of the penitenziary, having learned that I was headed to Ceylon, made me ask if I wanted to embark a guard and a convict, in charge of tracking down three fugitives».

«Ah! cursed One-eye!»roared Kaj «Hes the one who betrayed us!».

«One-eye!» said the commander «That was his name, the overseers companion.»

«And the other?»

«He was a big man with a red nose, reddish hair and mustache; a heavy drinker».

Despite the gravity of that information, Jody couldnt hold back a great burst of laughter.

«My Irish!» he exclaimed «Hell be furious with me!».

«Where did those men land?» Blake asked.

«They got off last night.»

«How!» they exclaimed, thinking they had heard badly.

«Yes, last night.»

«Were they on board when you picked us up?» Blake asked.

«They must have recognized you because they wanted me to have you tied up.»

«Ah! miserable!» Kaj exclaimed «You were wrong not to warn us.».

«I was threatened with having the ship confiscated by the British authorities in Colombo.»

«You are right. We thank you for not having yielded to their requests».

«I want to give you some advice. Don't be seen in the City of Pearls. They are waiting for you there to be arrested».

«I have numerous friends among the fishermen.» said Kaj. «They will know how to protect us. Ah! Here is my friend Jokos boat! I still recognize him. Mr. Blake, here's the man who will save us. He is the head of the pearl fishers guild».

A big and beautiful boat, with about forty divers and fishermen, led by a tall Indian with a long beard, his head covered with a brightly colored turban.

«Is that what you want to embark on?»

«Yes» Kaj replied.

«One of my lifeboats is ready to take you. I wish you luck, and beware of the police».

The three convicts, after thanking him, quickly got out.