Chapter 30 - Valley of the pythons

Not wishing to camp in that place, frequented by those dangerous giants, they set off again with the hope of arriving at the source of the river before sunset.

Fortunately, in their retreat, the elephants had made a wide path, albeit cluttered with logs. Those thickets were formed mostly of sacred figs, which grow with the trunks far from each other.

Towards evening they must have been not far from the sources, as the river was very narrow.

«Time to leave the river, Lake Kalawewe is to the east.» said Kaj-

«How long will it take us to complete the crossing?» Blake asked.

«In four days, as I told you, we'll reach the monastery, if the pythons don't block us.»

«The pythons! What do those snakes have to do with our journey?» Jody was afraid.

«We will be forced to cross the valley of the pythons of the rocks, an ugly place, where every year many pilgrims leave their lives. That pass is full of those reptiles.»

«Can't we look for another way?»

«It's impossible, Jody, the mountains are steep in that place.»

«Is it true that rock pythons are huge?» Jody asked.

«I've seen some that are even ten meters long.»

«Are they also poisonous?»

«No, Jody; instead their strength can crush a buffalo, and you know if these ruminants are robust. We will spend the night, when they are asleep.»

They dined, without being disturbed, and, having established the guard quarters, they fell asleep.

During the night there was more than one alarm, caused by the presence of panthers or tigers. At six in the morning the three friends went into the woods and for two long days struggled desperately among those plants, until they reached Lake Kalawewe.

The shores of the lake were not in short supply of game, being that the only freshwater basin in a vast area. The next day they set out, through a region that seemed completely deserted, interrupted by ever higher hills.

At the top there was a plain with a small lake of clear water, where the religious bathe. The tiny squad, led by Kaj, who never hesitated on the direction to take, even without looking at the compass, after having forded the Makowilla River, arrived in front of the important mountain range.

«I don't see any passage,» said Blake. «Shall we go up those peaks?»

«We wouldn't be able to do it, the sides of those mountains are inaccessible. There is only the valley of the rock pythons»

«When will we get to the pass?»

«In a couple of hours, sir.»

«Are we in serious danger?» asked Jody, who had a definite dislike for all reptiles.

«Maybe, friend. They certainly won't let us pass without attempting some attack on us.»

«And why are they gathered in that place in such great numbers?» Blake asked.

«It is said that a famous snake charmer tried to make that valley an immense menagerie of pythons, those monstrous snakes being well paid by European museums and by beast traders. But one day he was taken by one of his prisoners and crushed. Over time they have multiplied.» Kaj told.

«If they attack us, we will know how to defend ourselves. Friends, let's go!» Blake urged.

The ascent of the first echelons was not very tiring, also because the forests that covered the sides were not so dense, but afterwards it became steep.

The mountains approached, showing their sheer peaks, frightening ravines and abysses that seemed to have no bottom. The rumble, produced by numerous waterfalls, spread through the rocks.

The three men took a narrow valley, strewn only with bushes, which snaked up through the mountains, and slowed down to watch the peaks, because they feared there were Vadassi.

It was near sunset when they reached a ravine, closed by sheer rocks.

«The danger lies down there.» said Kaj, who had stopped looking anxiously at those tall, sun-yellowed grasses.

«Is this perhaps the valley of the pythons?» Blake asked.

«Yes, that's it, but I don't see one, though. They rest under the brushwood.»

«Are we waiting for the night?»

«Yes, Mr. Blake, it would be a great imprudence if we crossed the valley by day. I recommend the most profound silence.»

«And I recommend that the guns be well loaded friends.» Jody said. «Let's prepare dinner, why snakes or not, I'm hungry!»

In order not to be surprised by those colossal reptiles, they climbed a cliff that stood almost isolated at the entrance of the valley and ate some roasted meat in the morning, not daring to light the fire.

They were preparing to leave when a rifle shot rang out towards the opposite end of the valley. Everyone rose hastily, questioning with their eyes the darkness that enveloped the great mountain range.

«Who could have fired?» Blake wondered, a little uneasy «Let's listen.»

They listened, hoping to hear some more gunshot or a human cry, but no sound broke the silence that reigned in the valley.

«It must have been some hunter.» Kaj finally said.

«There is no lack of game in these mountains.» Kaj said.

«What if this detonation woke up the pythons?» Jody was very worried about that dangerous walk.

They let half an hour pass, without the shot being repeated, then silently went down into the ravine with their rifles, proceeding cautiously. That they were all asleep, it was not to be believed, because step by step the three friends heard some slow rustling among the brushwood.

Kaj would stop frequently, thinking he would see one of those snakes suddenly stand up in front of them, and would not set off again without first making sure that he had deceived himself.

They had happily reached almost the middle of the valley when Kaj paused for the tenth time, taking up his rifle.

«Are we about to be attacked?» Blake asked softly, quickly reaching him.

«It comes down from that cliff.»

«A python?»

«Yes, Mr. Blake. Try to cut our way.»

Even without the moon, in the starlight, Blake and Jody glimpsed, not without feeling sweat on their foreheads and shivering with fear, an enormous cylinder which stretched towards the scrub that covered the bottom of the ravine.

«Shoot Kaj!» Blake yelled.

«No, sir, the others would wake up and we're just halfway through. Maybe he hasn't seen us yet. Squat down and don't speak anymore.» Kaj whispered to him.

The herbs there were tall enough to hide them. The three friends flattened themselves next to each other, their fingers on the triggers of the rifles. The python continued to descend, limply and with its head hidden among the grasses.

It was one of the most colossal pythons Kaj had ever seen, measuring at least ten meters in length and as thick as the trunk of an already developed palm.

«He moves Kaj towards us.» Jody whispered «Can't you see the herbs stirring in front of us?»

«I'll wait for him to show his head,» replied the pearl fisherman, «and I'll smash his backbone.» Blake pointed out.

«Save your blows, sir.»

He was about to aim the weapon when the reptile showed itself, suddenly standing up on its tail and letting itself fall heavily on the three wretches.

«Fire!» Blake yelled.

Kai and Blake had fired at the same time. The monstrous reptile rose again, hissing angrily and whipping its mighty tail.

«Hit it!» Jody shouted.

«Let's flee!» shouted Kaj.

He couldn't finish the sentence. The python, even with a smashed jaw, had treacherously grabbed him with its tail, wrapping his legs so tightly that it knocked him down.

«Help, Mr. Blake!» screamed the wretch, who felt his shins break from the irresistible grip of the monstrous snake «It kills me!»

Blake tore the ax from his waist and started to leap forward when he felt himself being grabbed and pushed up. Another python had surprised them from behind without making a noise and ran to help his companion.

Blake let out a terrible scream.

«I'm dead!»

Luckily Jody was free, having stayed a bit on the sidelines, but he had a double-barreled rifle and hadn't lost his mind. Hearing the cry, he turned quickly, determined not to let it be crushed by the huge reptile.

«Here, you scoundrel!»

Lightning tore through the darkness, followed by a loud detonation. The snake, struck in the skull, quickly unwound the coils, dropping the Englishman.

«And now to the other!» cried the driver, who kept an admirable coolness. He fired the second shot. The rock python clutching Kaj, again wounded in the throat, gave a terrifying hiss, then dropped lifelessly, falling to the ground like a pile of rags, and immediately loosening its formidable coils.

«Mr. Blake! Kaj!» called Jody as he reloaded the rifle. His two friends were already on their feet and hammered furiously at the two reptiles with their rifle butts.

«Let's flee! Others remain!» shouted the driver. «Commend yourself to your legs.»

«Yes, go!» shouted Kaj «The pythons swoop down on us from all sides!»

They had just launched into a desperate race when a cry escaped Blake:

«The valley is on fire! We are lost!»