Chapter 53 - Cooking rice

From today until the next four days it was likely that Soo Yin won't be able to see Dae Hyun. Because she had to accompany Mr.  Peter toured several historical places in Korea.

The first day they will visit a traditional Korean house, namely Namsangol Hanok Village which is located around Mount Nam.  It was a house in the Joseon Dynasty.  Soo Yin and her entourage rested in one of the houses.

Mr. Peter also said that if he wanted to rent this house one night, then continue the journey again.

Soo Yin approached Mr.  Peter along with one of the female tour guides.  They were in the kitchen with aprons on their chest.  Soo Yin was shocked at the sight.  Still didn't understand what that man will do.

"What will she do?" Soo Yin whispered while approaching the tour guide named Mi Na.

"I don't know. He said he wanted to cook while in here," Mi Na whispered.