Chapter 75 - Park Soo Hyun

Soo Yin got down by the side of the road while opposing the provisions in her hand.  His face looked very cheerful today.

 "Soo Yin!" Jean called.  Walked quickly to get to her best friend.  It has been more than a month since seeing Soo Yin that made her feel homesick.

 Soo Yin turned her head when she heard a familiar voice in her ears.  Immediately stopped her steps when she saw Jean.

 "Hi, Soo Yin," Jean said, who was breathless.  Holding her knee because she felt tired.

 "Jean, it's been a long time since we met. I really miss you," Soo Yin said, immediately hugged Jean's body.

 "Where have you been all this time? As long as you are being secretary, it seems that we don't have time to be together," Jean said while pursing her lips.  Made Soo Yin want to laugh when she saw her, which looked really funny.  Her face was like a child who was sulking.

"Ah, yes. Shall we go for a walk this weekend?"  Soo Yin said, giving an idea.