Chapter 90 - Get caught

Knock ... knock ... knock …

There was a knock on the door repeatedly. Made Dae Hyun blink. He glanced at Soo Yin who was still fast asleep. Without hesitation, Dae Hyun immediately opened the door because it was definitely Chang Yuan who had come this early. Even though the working hours will soon start. Exhaustion made them sleep very soundly and forgot to turn on the alarm.

 Dae Hyun widened his eyes so and he was about to fall to the floor when he saw the person who was standing at the door.

"Father? ... What are you here for in the morning?" Being too shocked, Dae Hyun forgot to close the bedroom door so that Park Ji Hoon could see that a woman was still sleeping. Her face could not be seen clearly because it was covered by her long hair.

 Dae Hyun was really regret that he forgot to lock the door last night. Now it was too late for him when the regret arose.