Chapter 94 - Better be quiet

 Soo Yin immediately turned around. She remembered that her purpose here was to ask Manager Han for a file so she stepped in.

"What are you here for?" Manager Han asked.

 "I just want to take the financial report file because Mr. Dae Hyun will check it," Soo Yin said while looking down.

 "Are you going to tell Dae Hyun about me?" Aeri urged as she surrounded Soo Yin's body. She didn't need further pleasantries.

Soo Yin was speechless. She should have answered that question 'yes'. That way Dae Hyun will divorce Aeri and she can become the only woman to become Dae Hyun's wife.

 "If you dare to tell him I'll reveal your secret to everyone here!" Aeri threatened.

 "I heard from Li Sa that you were almost crazy because you were traumatized as a child. You are traumatized because everyone taunts you as the illegitimate child of a flake." Aeri said with great emphasis in Soo Yin's ear.