Chapter 133 - False hope

Soo Yin walked behind Dae Hyun's chair and then put her arm around her husband's neck.

"I'm just annoyed with myself," Dae Hyun said while tilting his head to embrace Soo Yin's cheek.

 "Why?" Soo Yin pressed her face against Dae Hyun's cheek. She wanted to bring her husband's bad mood back to good again.

 "I can't get away from Aeri yet," Dae Hyun said with annoyance that enveloped his heart.

 "Didn't you say you threw her out of the house?" Soo Yin asked while frowning.

 "She did leave the house but it's a shame she even took Yeon Ho with her." Dae Hyun took a deep breath as he sipped his saliva until he saw his neck muscles moving up and down.

"Really? Is she evasive with the photos you showed yesterday?" Soo Yin guessed.

 "Hmm, she even looks very pathetic in front of Yeon Ho and my parents. I'm getting annoyed seeing her linger at home," Dae Hyun said with a snort.

 "So she's back home?"