Chapter 146 - Want both

"Is Mr. Dae Hyun okay?" She wanted to know if her husband was doing well and there were no serious problems.

"Of course, don't worry about it."

"Can I meet him?" Soo Yin asked. She hasn't calmed down if she hasn't confirmed it herself.

 "Of course you can. Who will forbid you?" Park Soo Hyun said.

"Miss Aeri didn't let me in," Soo Yin said with a sad face.

 "Don't worry. Let's go in," Park Soo Hyun asked, who immediately took Soo Yin's wrist. It was true, just touched her hand his heart was pounding again. He never felt this kind of thing even though he was close to so many women. Park Soo Hyun was increasingly convinced that Soo Yin was his true love.

 "Sir, please let go of my hand," Soo Yin said. She felt very uncomfortable with Park Soo Hyun holding her. She also didn't want Park Soo Hyun to think of anything else.

 "Sorry, I was too excited to see my brother immediately." With a heavy heart, Park Soo Hyun let Soo Yin's hand go.