Chapter 165 - Hyo Rin

Soo Yin widened her eyes when she realized who the woman in front of her was. Soo Yin slowly remembered that she was a woman who had a fight with her a few months ago in the cinema at that time. When she watched with Dae Hyun for the first time.

 "You…." Soo Yin was flabbergasted and didn't continue.

 "Hyo Rin, have you met him?" Li Sa asked while looking sarcastically at Soo Yin.

 "Of course, I even remember when she pulled my hair out so it almost fell out." Hyo Rin glared intently at Soo Yin.

 "What do you mean?" Soo Yin asked flatly as if she had never met him.

 "Li Sa, of course she can study at this campus because she is a mistress of an uncle," Hyo Rin said while laughing in a loud enough voice.

"Really? How do you know that?" Li Sa who was very curious asked.

 Soo Yin's body broke out in cold sweat for fear of having her secret exposed. Hopefully that woman didn't recognize Dae Hyun's face.