Chapter 181 - Substitute

Soo Yin was enjoying the fresh breeze in the backyard while enjoying the hilly scenery. By continuing to suck a smile, Soo Yin rubbed her stomach, never being bored at all since yesterday. There was a special sense of happiness when she heard that soon she will become a mother. It was far from her imagination that she did not want to have children yet, but there was no need to regret what happened.

 "Miss!" Aunt Xia called by continuing to walk closer to Soo Yin.

 The calling voice brought Soo Yin from the reverie. She turned her head back to see the middle aged woman. Quickly, Auntie Xia was behind her, clutching her cell phone.

 "Miss, Mr. Dae Hyun would like to speak to you," Auntie Xia said with irregular sighing from the rush of walking.