Chapter 194 - Assistant Chang's ramen

 Dae Hyun rubbed his face in a huff. Slowly stepping his feet to Soo Yin's side. Hopefully this time his little wife was just kidding and not serious. Maybe she meant early tomorrow. Hopefully it was still wrong to digest as he thought when bothering him.

 "Honey, tomorrow morning we'll go to Assistant Chang's house," Dae Hyun coaxed as he rubbed the top of Soo Yin's head which was covered with a pillow.

 No answer was heard. There was only Soo Yin's whirring sound that sounded up and down holding back the irritation in her heart.

 Dae Hyun can breathe a little with relief when Soo Yin opened the pillow and thick blanket that covers her head.

 Soo Yin did open it but only to glance at Dae Hyun with a sharp gaze and a flat face full of annoyance.

"Now go to sleep," Dae Hyun said, about to kiss his wife on the cheek but Soo Yin instead turned her face in another direction. Again hiding her body under the blanket.

 Dae Hyun sighed in resignation.