Chapter 198 - Don't need any woman

Dae Hyun's face was flushed red with anger and embarrassment mingling into one. His fingers clenched tightly because they needed an outlet. With a sharp glare at Doctor Kang, Dae Hyun stood up to approach him.

Seeing her husband who seemed provoked by emotion, Soo Yin immediately grabbed his wrist and rubbed it gently. Trying to calm him down so as not to get angry with what Doctor Kang said.

 "Don't be so serious like that. I'm just kidding," Doctor Kang said.

 "I don't like your jokes!" Dae Hyun said in a cold tone then sat back down because Soo Yin was holding his hand so tightly.

 "Honey, never mind," Soo Yin said softly. Didn't let her husband make a fuss over a little thing like that.

 Dae Hyun turned his head to the side to see his little wife. If she wasn't there, he would have punched Doctor Kang in the face. For him, the joke was really too much.