Chapter 219 - Will you marry me?

Shortly thereafter several servants arrived while carrying trays. They started to serve several menus at their table. When she saw the Cheese cake with Cherry fruit topping on it, it was so tempting. Soo Yin was dying to taste it.

 "Eat it," Park Soo Hyun said very softly like cotton. His hand thrust a plate filled with Cheese cake in front of Soo Yin.

 Again, out of nowhere, Soo Yin obediently grabbed the small spoon that was on the side of the cake.

 'Soo Yin, what you should be thinking about right now is your best friend not food,' Soo Yin muttered to herself. What's the power if the heart and mind were not even in line. Maybe because of the baby she was carrying so she would immediately want something in front of her eyes. Better to think about it after this.

 One chew, two chews, still delicious on her tongue. Indeed, form did not lie to taste. The shape was so attractive that it immediately melted in her mouth.

 "Cough… cough… cough…."