Chapter 225 - Not reliable

"Darling, calm down. I believe in you, there is no way you could do something like that." Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin's face, he lifted his little wife's chin then rubbed her lips gently with his thumb.

When Dae Hyun stared at her, Soo Yin rested her head against her husband's chest.

 "Thank you, you trust me so much," Soo Yin said.

 "Of course, I definitely trust my own wife more than a traitor like him," Dae Hyun said as he stroked Soo Yin's long hair.

 What was on Soo Yin's mind this time was wanting to know where Jean was. Until it made her eyes teary.

 "Honey, Jean doesn't work here anymore," Soo Yin sobbed. Her heart was very sad, remembering that the only friend she had now, she didn't know where she was.

 "Is it true?" Dae Hyun was also quite surprised to hear this.

 "Please help me to find her. I want to explain everything if I do not have any relationship with Park Soo Hyun," Soo Yin said in between sobs.