Chapter 245 - Want to kill you

There was the sound of the door opening, which made Soo Yin and Jean turned their heads. Three men came, each carrying something in their hands.

 "You ...," Soo Yin said while widened her eyes when she saw one of the three men who had a bald head. Even though he was only vaguely visible, Soo Yin was sure that this man was the same person who kidnapped Jo Yeon Ho a few months ago. There's no way if Soo Yin forgot his face.

 "I never thought we would meet again. I thought you were dead because you were shot at that time," said the bald man while narrowing his eyes at Soo Yin because he also still remembered the face of the girl who had tried to thwart his plan at that time.

 The bald man had been looking for Soo Yin's whereabouts for revenge for a long time. Unexpectedly, when he was a little forgetful, he could meet at an accidental time.