Chapter 254 - Lost baby

"Mom, don't contact anyone first," Aeri said, while grabbing her cell phone from Sun Book's hand.

 "Why are you so strange. Your in-laws should have come here to visit and take care of you," Sun Book said in a rising voice while raising an eyebrow.

 "Mom, I want to abort this fetus," Aeri said with a pleading look.

 "What do you mean?" Sun Book said as she glared at Aeri. Didn't understand with what her daughter was thinking.

 "Mom, Dae Hyun seems to realize that this fetus is not his child. If I keep it, I will get caught," Aeri said nervously and then bit her lower lip.

"He wouldn't know. You could fake the DNA results," Sun Book said.

 "No way, Mom. Dae Hyun is not that stupid now."

 "Then, if you intend to abort it. Won't they suspect?" Sun Book asked.