Chapter 268 - It's hard to let go

Soo Yin was confused this time between staying where she was or going after Dae Hyun who looked really angry. Soo Yin cursed herself, should have pulled her hand firmly so Dae Hyun wouldn't see it.

 "Soo Yin, let's go to the hospital," Park Soo Hyun asked while holding Soo Yin's wrist. Observing the fresh blood coming out of her index finger. Reflex Park Soo Hyun immediately put Soo Yin's finger into his mouth. Sipping fresh blood which tasted a little salty but for Park Soo Hyun it tasted very sweet.

 Soo Yin immediately pulled her hand away so that she fell on her back because she was squatting with her knees as support.

 Seeing Soo Yin who almost fell to her knees made Park Soo Hyun reach out his hand to pull her until Soo Yin's body was pulled and fell into his lap. Now the position of Park Soo Hyun sat on the floor because he was not ready.