Chapter 275 - Three Women

Soo Yin's hand, who was holding the knob, immediately trembled to see who the two women were now in front of her. Instantly, cold sweat immediately came out of her forehead with a heart that continued to pound.

 The two women in front of her were equally surprised to see Soo Yin and Jean still standing straight and fine. Even though they hoped that they were already battered like what Han had planned. Li Sa regretted not taking care of everything by herself.

 Soo Yin tried to stay calm and did not feel scared. Convinced herself that Aeri was her current rival.

 "Miss Aeri?" She muttered, trying to be casual.

 "Hey, why did you come to this hospital? Isn't this an obstetrician?" Aeri said while raising one lip upwards to form a mocking smile. Didn't know why when she saw Soo Yin she was immediately carried away with emotion.