Chapter 282 - Surprised

Soo Yin was now standing on the balcony of her room. Staring at the night sky that looked cloudy. She rubbed her flat stomach again. If she was alone like this, it really made Soo Yin feel sad. She remembered her future baby again.

 Condensed tears began to trickled out of the corners of her eyes. Even if in front of other people she looked fine but her heart she was fragile when she was alone like this. Plus, she hadn't seen her husband for several days. The longing was getting deeper and deeper. Soo Yin could have gone to the hotel if she wanted to see him but Dae Hyun wouldn't let her go anywhere after the day she went to the hospital.

"Honey, why did you leave mom so quickly," muttered Soo Yin softly. If she remembered about the incident that night, Soo Yin felt very sorry about it. She had failed to become a mother because she cannot look after her future baby.