Chapter 341 - Don't want to go anywhere

Seoul South Korea.

Pyeongchang-dong villa,

Dae Hyun and Soo Yin arrived in Seoul early this morning. Now the couple was still sleeping together because their bodies were very tired after traveling for a long time.


 The sound of incoming messages came from Soo Yin's cell phone which was accompanied by the sound of the alarm that kept ringing.

With her eyes tightly closed, Soo Yin's hand groped the nightstand which was right beside the bed. Dae Hyun's tight embrace made it difficult for her to move. Until Soo Yin chose to open her eyes and moved Dae Hyun's hand slowly on the bed.

 Soo Yin's eyes immediately widened when she opened and read the message.

[Soo Yin, how are you? Is your grandfather all right? I hope you don't forget that tonight we have to meet] Park Soo Hyun.

Soo Yin massaged her temples because she even forgot that it was the weekend. She bit her lower lip because she didn't know what to say.