Chapter 347 - It's all my fault

"I want to see him. Can I go to the hospital?" Soo Yin gripped Dae Hyun's fingers tightly. Hoping that the man would allow her to visit Park Soo Hyun.

 "Better you come tomorrow morning. It's too late, you need rest anyway. If you want to come to the hospital you can go with Chung Ho. I can't pick you up because mom is so shocked." Dae Hyun steeled himself to try to smile a little while rubbing his wife's cheek.

 Soo Yin nodded her head. She could understand that at this time Mrs. Park was devastated.

 "But Park Soo Hyun is fine, right?" Soo Yin was eager to know the condition of her brother-in-law.

 Dae Hyun was silent for a while. If his condition was good, it was impossible for the doctor to treat him very long.

"Pray that everything is going to be fine," Dae Hyun said bitterly.

 "Then why are you here? Why don't you take care of mother?" Soo Yin said.