Chapter 366 - They are ex-lover

"No, I don't regret it at all. Parting with you allowed me to meet Soo Yin even though the time was a little late," said Dae Hyun. Glanced at Mi Young's face for a moment as they walked side by side.

 Mi Young's mouth was silenced by Dae Hyun's statement which was quite hurtful to her. In fact, throughout her life, he was the man who was always in her heart. It hurt so much more than seeing Je Ha bring another woman.

 "Don't you think if what you said hurt my feelings?" Mi Young said bitterly. Still expecting Dae Hyun to say something sweet to her.

 "I just want to protect my wife's feelings. What happened to you is in the past. I don't want to bring it up again." Dae Hyun looked ahead. His eyes immediately caught Soo Yin's frowning face.
