Chapter 371 - Guest arrival

Soo Yin kissed Dae Hyun's eyelids gently. Didn't want to disturb his good sleep. Instead of being in the room bothering him, Soo Yin decided to just go downstairs to help prepare the meal with Aunt Xia. So that when Dae Hyun woke up, he will feel happy.

Having just set her feet on the floor, Soo Yin's hand was already tightly gripped by Dae Hyun.

"You don't have to go anywhere," Dae Hyun said hoarsely with his eyelids still tightly closed.

"I don't want to bother you," Soo Yin said.

"Precisely if you leave my side, it will make my mind disturbed." Dae Hyun opened his eyes slightly which did feel very sticky.

"Stay here." Dae Hyun then pulled Soo Yin's petite body so that she fell onto his firm chest. He hugged her tightly while inhaling her scent.