Chapter 373 - rest enough

Soo Yin decided to close the book again, then put the book on the nightstand.

Soo Yin started massaging her sore ankle slowly. Her muscles were stiff due to the recent lack of rest during the day. Soo Yin only slept late at night and had to get up early to go to the hospital immediately.

Dae Hyun walked over to Soo Yin after he finished changing into his casual clothes. Just wore a plain t-shirt and shorts. The plain t-shirt he wore fit perfectly on his body so that the picture of his stomach muscles was very clearly printed.

While out of town Dae Hyun spent time exercising if he couldn't sleep. The image of Soo Yin with another man always haunted him. To reduce his anxiety Dae Hyun did light exercise.

It was undeniable that Dae Hyun never felt at ease while he was gone without Soo Yin. Even though his body was in another place, his mind was always in Seoul.