Chapter 381 - Naughty wife

"I ... I just feel my body is sweating," said Soo Yin to find an excuse so that Park Soo Hyun would distance himself. In fact, her body was actually normal, it can even be said to be cold.

 "Okay, sorry for making you sweat," said Park Soo Hyun. He was forced to slightly move away.

 "Hmmm," Soo Yin said with a faint smile. Then she was facing to the side, she looked at the edge of the road to see the place or the people they passed along the way.



 Now they have arrived at the UN Village's yard. Everyone had entered the house.

 Soo Yin was about to step her foot in.

"Soo Yin, wait for me!" Park Soo Hyun called. He walked limply while holding his knees. He was not used to it that it made his legs still hurt a little. But if there was no Soo Yin, maybe it will be fine.

 Soo Yin stopped in her tracks, she forgot about Park Soo Hyun who was still behind. Soo Yin was forced to turn around and then carried Park Soo Hyun again.