Chapter 406 - Marry?

The residents continued to shout very loudly until now more and more residents were coming even though the snow had not yet subsided. They came in droves with their children and wives.

 "How is it?" Soo Yin's body trembled with fear. Afraid that people will do something bad. She pulled the sweater that wrappedaround her body.

 "Calm down." Although Park Soo Hyun panicked but as much as possible he tried to calm Soo Yin down.

 'Daehyun, help me. I miss you,' ~ Soo Yin thought. Tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. She really regretted of not being obedient.

 "Hurry and drag them!" shouted the people in a crowd.

"Park Soo Hyun, I'm scared," Soo Yin sobbed louder.

 "Relax, everything will be fine." Park Soo Hyun continued to think positively even though he was currently also scared. He must be able to assure her that they will definitely get out of this problem.