Chapter 413 - No news

After that night, Dae Hyun did not return to the villa even though it had been two days.

 Soo Yin already missed him so much. There was only an incoming message a few seconds ago from Dae Hyun.

 [If you want to get out of the house it's fine. Do not force yourself to stay at home all the time if you are healthy. I'm sure you're bored]

 This was the first time that the message Dae Hyun had sent was read so coldly by Soo Yin. The corners of her eyes were starting to cloud. Thought of her husband who was still angry made Soo Yin very stressed.

 Soo Yin leaned her head back on the chair, her eyes were looking far away at the events of that night. Cursed how stupid her mind was.

"Miss?" called aunt Xia.

 Soo Yin remained where she was because she didn't hear Aunt Xia's voice which was calling out to her in a low voice.

 "Miss." Aunt Xia gently patted Soo Yin's shoulder in fear of startling her.

 Soo Yin turned her face back.