Chapter 415 - Bad in bed

Soo Yin gawked, not expecting Aeri to know about her relationship with Dae Hyun. But she didn't seem to know about their marriage. Soo Yin became nervous, but tried her best to stay calm. She didn't want to be provoked by Aeri's trap.

 "What nonsense are you saying?" Soo Yin argued. Even if she told the truth, Aeri would not believe it and maybe even she would be laughed at by many people.

 "Do you think I'm stupid. There's no way a poor girl who rarely works could go to medical school. I'm sure it was all my husband's money." Aeri chuckled as she folded her arms across her chest.

 Soo Yin was silent as she thought of making a defense.

 "You're not worse than me either. Having an affair with manager Han behind Mr. Dae Hyun," said Soo Yin boldly to divert their conversation.