Chapter 449 - She's bad woman

 "Soo Yin, where have you been? I just came from Park Soo Hyun's room but you weren't there."

Dae Hyun's voice that was already in front of her interrupted Soo Yin from her thoughts. Her gaze was immediately fixed on Yeon Ho who was holding Dae Hyun's hand.

 The look in his eyes was still the same as yesterday even though Soo Yin had a sweet smile on her lips.

 "I just went out for a while to get some fresh air," Soo Yin said as she looked away from Yeon Ho.

 "I thought you were gone so you didn't come to my room," Dae Hyun said with a warm smile.

 Dae Hyun frowned when he realized Yeon Ho had hidden himself behind him.

 "Yeon Ho, what's wrong with you? Don't you really like Soo Yin?" Dae Hyun said.

 "No, she's a bad woman. She's going to take father away from me. It's better if you don't get close to her anymore," Yeon Ho said with a cold tone and an unfriendly look in his eyes when he looked at Soo Yin.
