Chapter 472 - You look happier now

 It wasn't long before Soo Yin returned to the infirmary with a nurse.

 Soo Yin sat next to Jean, observing the nurse who was reinserting the IV in Jean's arm.

Turned out it was not too difficult if you've found the veins. It may be difficult to find if a person was overweight because the veins will be covered by fat.

 "Thank you," said Soo Yin.

 "You're welcome. Next time be careful, luckily the needle didn't hurt your hand," the nurse said to Jean.

 "Okay, next time I'll be careful," said Jean with a faint smile.

 The nurse immediately left the room because her work was done.

 "Soo Yin, I'm bored in this room. My nose hurts because I've been smelling medicine for a long time," said Jean. She wanted to breathe fresh air to comfort her restless heart. Luckily Soo Yin came, if there was no Soo Yin maybe Jean had done something bad to her own self.

 "But you have to rest. You haven't recovered much," Soo Yin refused.