Chapter 478

The birds were chirping and singing songs, welcoming the bright morning. Dae Hyun grumbled because last night Soo Yin fell asleep without eating what he had made.

 "Relax, I'll eat it," said Soo Yin to please her husband. Soo Yin then walked over to the cupboard to pick up the grilled crab from last night.

 "No need, tonight I will make it again for you," said Dae Hyun. Didn't want Soo Yin to eat crab from last night which was already cold.

 "It's okay, I've troubled you. After that I actually fell asleep," said Soo Yin as she opened the crab shell. After tasting it, it tasted quite good, especially if you eat it warm, it will be much more delicious.

 "You didn't have breakfast?" Soo Yin said.

 "I'm not in the mood to eat. But seeing you eat well, I want to taste it." Dae Hyun reached out his hand to pick up the crab legs.

Soo Yin continued to eat half of it, until she remembered something.