Chapter 525 - I hope you’ll meet a good man

"There's nothing to talk about," Jean stuttered as her body trembled.

 Rejected, Park Soo Hyun finally got out of his car to persuade Jean to come with him. This was very important so that his heart would be calm.

 "Jean, I beg you because there is something very important," Park Soo Hyun pleaded.

Jean took a deep breath. In the end, she subconsciously nodded her head. It was undeniable that there was a longing feeling to meet this man.

 Park Soo Hyun drove his car again after Jean got into the car. The two of them were both silent for some time without anyone wanting to make a sound.

 They were busy with their own thoughts. Park Soo Hyun didn't even know where to start the conversation. It was impossible to say it directly.

 Likewise with Jean who chose to remain silent while looking to the side to see the scenery outside. Until her hair swayed in the wind.