Chapter 527 - child only needs a mother

Jean clutched her chest which was beating fast. Now her heart felt a little relieved after someone came to help her.

 Park Soo Hyun then turned his body to Jean who was still standing in the doorway. Her hair looked messy and she was still wearing the same clothes as this morning.

 "Jean, are you all right?" Park Soo Hyun's tone sounded worried and warm.

 Jean was still rooted to the spot. Couldn't believe what she saw. If only Park Soo Hyun could talk to her so warmly like before.

 "Jean," Park Soo Hyun called softly.

Jean immediately woke up from her daydream then shifted her attitude back to normal. Afraid that she would be disappointed again like before.

 "What did you come here for?" asked Jean sarcastically then turned her face to the other way.

 "I came here just to return this." Park Soo Hyun handed the plastic bag to Jean.

 With a rough gesture, Jean immediately snatched it away without saying any thanks.