Chapter 539 -

Before Dae Hyun arrived at the villa, Soo Yin thought of the way to make her husband happy and not angry at her. Moreover, to suspect her.

Soo Yin decided to prepare the dinner with the help of Aunt Xia. It just so happened that she was hungry.

"Auntie, don't forget to prepare healthy meal for Jean again tomorrow," Soo Yin said to Aunt Xia who was busy weeding vegetables.

"Sure, Miss. How many months has Jean been pregnant?" Aunt Xia asked curiously.

"According to the doctor, it's only been about 3 weeks. I really can't bear to see her now thin body. When she was pregnant, what she needed the most was the love of a husband. But she had to fend for herself." Soo Yin took a deep breath. She didn't sure she can go through it if that happened to her.

 "Hopefully the problem ends soon and Jean can live happily," said Aunt Xia. The middle-aged woman didn't need to ask again who the culprit was because Soo Yin had already told her of everything.