Chapter 553

In order to comply with Hae Sok's request, Soo Yin finally agreed to stay a few more nights at the UN Village. Although her heart was a little tormented because she was treated so coldly from her two in-laws. But it didn't matter as long as Hae Sok was willing to accept her.

Soo Yin rolled up her hair in a towel after she finished bathing. Then sat in front of the mirror. There was a feeling of boredom because she can't go anywhere. She just stayed in her room unless Yeon Ho invited her to play outside.

Knock… knock…

There was a soft knock on the door.

"May I come in?" Dae Hyun said.

Soo Yin turned towards the door. She wanted to say 'yes' but she cancelled her intention. Mrs. Park didn't allow Dae Hyun to enter Soo Yin's room with the excuse of protecting Jo Yeon Ho's feelings.

There were silence for a moment until the door creaked open. Dae Hyun came in with a sparkling face.