Chapter 559

Aeri and Mrs. Park had just arrived at the hospital because they had lost track. Luckily they ran into a taxi that Soo Yin was riding in. So they can find out where Soo Yin and Jean were.

 "What did they come here for?" Aeri mumbled.

 "Mother, it could be that Soo Yin is pregnant again." Aeri widened her eyes and then turned her head back to look at Mrs. Park. If it was true that Soo Yin was pregnant, she would not allow the child to be born into this world. She will do everything possible to stop it.

 "I don't think so. It could be that Soo Yin is accompanying Jean to check-up. We'd better get off to ask her before they leave." Mrs. Park then opened the car door to get off immediately.

At the same time, Jean and Soo Yin had just stepped out of the hospital building. Soo Yin immediately put on a wary expression when she saw the arrival of her mother-in-law with Aeri. There was a fear that they would say something that would hurt Jean's feelings.