Chapter 597

After a few hours of being unconscious, Yeon Ho finally started to open his eyes. Soo Yin was very happy and went straight into the room where Yeon Ho was being treated.

"Honey, you're finally awake." Soo Yin stroked Yeon Ho's cheek gently. Though she had been thinking about him because there was so much blood that flowed after he was being hit.

Injured just a little on the head will indeed bleed a lot because the head was a sensitive part of the body.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Yeon Ho said. Even though his head was bandaged, he didn't feel the pain anymore.

"No, mommy is just being happy right now. You really scared me." Soo Yin wiped the tears with the back of her hand.

"Mommy, where am I? Weren't we at school earlier?" Yeon Ho looked around the all-white room.

"We are in the hospital because you fell earlier. Next time be careful, keep yourself safe on the road," said Soo Yin, lying a little. There was no way she could tell the truth.